
Simple-shell-os is a basic OS with a minimalistic shell interface, ideal for learning and experimentation. It features process management, file system handling, and basic command execution.

Primary LanguageC


This project is a simple job scheduler implemented in C. It supports adding, scheduling, and executing jobs with specific commands. The job scheduler is capable of handling foreground and background jobs, with a focus on round-robin scheduling.


  • Command Line Interface: Interactive prompt to enter commands.
  • Builtin Commands: Support for commands like quit, jobs, bg, fg, addjob, schedule, and help.
  • Job Management: Add and schedule jobs with specified burst times and arrival times.
  • Round-Robin Scheduling: Jobs are executed based on a round-robin scheduling algorithm.
  • System Commands: Execute system commands like ls and run C programs.

Getting Started


  • GCC compiler
  • Unix-like operating system (Linux, macOS, etc.)
  • WSL

If folder is stored in c drive

To mount drive, use the following command:

sudo mkdir /mnt/c
sudo mount -t drvfs C: /mnt/c

Now, get that directory:

cd /mnt/c/shell



To compile the project, use the following command:

sudo gcc shell.c -o shell 



Run the compiled program:

sudo ./shell


You will be presented with a prompt vansh> where you can enter commands.


Builtin Commands

  • quit: Exit the shell.
  • jobs: Display the total number of jobs.
  • bg: Display the number of background jobs.
  • fg: Display the number of foreground jobs.
  • addjob <name> <burst_time> <arrival_time>: Add a new job.
  • schedule: Schedule and execute jobs in Round Robin manner.
  • help: Display the help message with available commands.
  • ls: Show files in the current directory.
  • run <filename>: Compile and run a C file.


  • Adding a Job:

    vansh> addjob job1 5 0


  • Scheduling Jobs:

    vansh> schedule


  • Running a System Command:

    vansh> ls


  • Compiling and Running a C Program:

    vansh> run program.c


  • Showing What all commands are there:

    vansh> help


  • Displaying number of jobs:

    vansh> jobs


  • For going back to the terminal

    vansh> quit


Error Handling

The shell provides feedback for incorrect usage or errors encountered during command execution. For example:

  • Trying to add a job with incorrect arguments will display a usage message.
  • Exceeding the maximum number of jobs will display an error message.

Code Structure

  • main.c: Contains the main function, command parsing, and job scheduling logic.
  • job.c: Manages job structures and scheduling functions.
  • command.c: Handles command parsing and execution.

Future Enhancements

  • Improve job scheduling algorithm to support more complex scenarios.
  • Add support for job priorities.
  • Enhance command parsing to handle more complex command structures.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Vansh - GitHub