
Crash after clicking mic to speak

PnsDev opened this issue · 8 comments

The app just crashes in MacOS 10.14.3 whenever I click the mic button to speak

mwarf commented

I have the same issue

I have the same issue too

Same here

Vix87 commented

I have the same issue:

If someone already find a solution with this problem please share with us the fix :)))

the same for me:

Mac Mini late 2014
Mac OS version 10.14.4
Language: italian

i used

I use an usb mic, which works perfectly with other apps such, for example, Siri for Mac

Try running from source, it should be fixed in there. The release does not work on the latest os. I haven't had much time to work on this recently hopefully I can polish and submit a release soon

Vix87 commented

Try running from source, it should be fixed in there.

Someone can explain me how to use the source code? ( I'm a newbie with Mac OS)
Thank you.

Try running from source, it should be fixed in there.

Someone can explain me how to use the source code? ( I'm a newbie with Mac OS)
Thank you.
