A customised Flutter TextFormField to input international phone number along with country code.
Pinned issues
- 0
CountryPickerDialog sizing issue on web
#411 opened by AdnanKhan45 - 7
Creating a proper maintainable fork
#399 opened by gawi151 - 0
Language_code is not working
#410 opened by VictorChagasS - 0
Unable to change text color in CountryPickerDialog
#409 opened by nicodoss - 5
validation isn't works!!
#401 opened by AKASH-ROYAL - 0
Italian dialog code wrong
#407 opened by wytex - 0
initialcountrycode not dynamic
#406 opened by gokulb2298 - 2
- 3
Field Validation Doesn't Work Perfectly
#386 opened by mirzamahmud - 1
Namibia phone number length issue
#400 opened by edwardcalitz - 2
initialCountryCode do not work with country dial code
#377 opened by sebNiji - 0
Country number count error for some countries
#398 opened by Docteur-Parfait - 1
#389 opened by Keith-Migwi - 1
- 3
- 1
initialCountryCode number not working
#393 opened by AniketStemmOne - 3
color text [languageCode]
#371 opened by SwanFlutter - 1
Madagascar phone number length is 9, not 10
#382 opened by Kenddriz - 1
- 3
Field Validation
#374 opened by rawatpb65 - 5
update Italy, correct is +39
#381 opened by studiozocaro - 0
Useless memory usage
#391 opened by alex-melnyk - 0
Search country field
#387 opened by Arshad-ullah - 0
Drop down BackGround color
#380 opened by JiyadAhammad - 0
- 5
Max length/ Min length are wrong for some countries, is the database updated recently ?
#323 opened by jntdev - 4
validation is not working properly
#356 opened by Anandh2708 - 0
showDialog to showModalBottomSheet
#373 opened by aro-wolo - 6
- 1
country code issue
#370 opened by Adelmu21 - 3
Italy Dial code is Wrong
#340 opened by Senthuran-01 - 2
Italy Country Code and Length
#353 opened by ricky0219 - 1
- 1
ISO code and area code
#369 opened by Adelmu21 - 0
Input Formatter
#366 opened by baigdev - 7
Country name doesn`t find the correct name translation for some countries
#333 opened by adilsonjuniordev - 0
expand and maxLines parameters not allowed
#361 opened by AhmedElsherif0 - 0
Initial country code cant be setup using iso code
#360 opened by Crist04 - 0
#359 opened by Princekayfrey - 1
Liechtenstein only has 7 digits after country code
#341 opened by noelie-istack - 0
Flags in linux are not shown anymore
#357 opened by florianguyot - 1
max length is not editable
#338 opened by Maddy-Flutter - 0
Italy Country Code (prefix) & length
#354 opened by arlindmetaj - 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
disableLengthCheck error in som countries
#347 opened by DalloSoftDev - 1
Not able to set shape of the dialog
#329 opened by bharat314 - 1
Implement didUpdateWidget
#327 opened by tolotrasamuel - 1
How to use validation for the phone number please tell i have tried all things :)
#325 opened by fisforfaheem