Django Blog Project with User Authentication

This project is a simple blog application built with Django, featuring user authentication. Users can sign up, log in, and manage their blog posts from a dashboard. The application includes basic CRUD operations for blog posts and different views for home, about, contact, and user dashboard.


  • User Authentication (Sign Up, Login, Logout)
  • Add, Update, and Delete Blog Posts
  • View All Posts on the Home Page
  • Separate User Dashboard
  • Basic About and Contact Pages

Project Structure

  • miniblog/: Project settings and URL configuration
  • blog/: Main app containing models, forms, views, and templates

Getting Started

  1. Clone the project from GitHub
  2. Create and activate a virtual environment
  3. Install Django with pip install django
  4. Perform migrations with python makemigrations and python migrate
  5. Run the server with python runserver