
A web crawler that gathers more than you can imagine.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Python version PyPi version License: MIT

Not Your Average Web Crawler

A very useful web crawler for vulnerability scanning. Not Your Average Web Crawler (N.Y.A.W.C) is a Python application that enables you to crawl web applications for requests instead of URLs. It crawls every GET and POST request on the specified domain and keeps track of the request and response data. It's main purpose is to be used in web application vulnerability scanners.


  • Links: URLs in HTML, XML, etc.
  • Forms: GET & POST forms and their request data.

Future development:

  • Documentation/wiki improvements.
  • Support rate limiting.
  • Support XHR/JS scraping.
  • Add other scrapers.

Table of contents


First make sure you're on Python 3.3 or higher. Then run the command below to install N.Y.A.W.C.

$ pip install --upgrade nyawc

Crawling flow

  1. Add the start request to the queue.
  2. Start first first request in the queue (repeat until max threads option reached).
  3. Add all requests found in the response to the queue (except duplicates).
  4. Go to step #2 again to spawn new requests.

Please note that if the queue is empty and all crawler threads are finished, the crawler will stop.


Please refer to the wiki for all the documentation on N.Y.A.W.C.

Example usage

You can use the callbacks in example.py to run your own exploit against the requests. If you want an example of automated exploit scanning, please take a look at Angular CSTI scanner (it uses N.Y.A.W.C to scan for the AngularJS sandbox escape vulnerability).

  • $ python example.py
  • $ python -u example.py > output.log
# example.py

from nyawc.Options import Options
from nyawc.QueueItem import QueueItem
from nyawc.Crawler import Crawler
from nyawc.CrawlerActions import CrawlerActions
from nyawc.http.Request import Request

def cb_crawler_before_start():
    print("Crawler started.")

def cb_crawler_after_finish(queue):
    print("Crawler finished. Found " + str(queue.count_finished) + " requests.")

    for queue_item in queue.get_all(QueueItem.STATUS_FINISHED).values():
        print("[" + queue_item.request.method + "] " + queue_item.request.url + " (PostData: " + str(queue_item.request.data) + ")")

def cb_request_before_start(queue, queue_item):
    # return CrawlerActions.DO_SKIP_TO_NEXT
    # return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING

    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

def cb_request_after_finish(queue, queue_item, new_queue_items):
    percentage = str(int(queue.get_progress()))
    total_requests = str(queue.count_total)

    print("At " + percentage + "% of " + total_requests + " requests ([" + str(queue_item.response.status_code) + "] " + queue_item.request.url + ").")

    # return CrawlerActions.DO_STOP_CRAWLING
    return CrawlerActions.DO_CONTINUE_CRAWLING

def cb_form_before_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):

    # return CrawlerActions.DO_NOT_AUTOFILL_FORM
    return CrawlerActions.DO_AUTOFILL_FORM

def cb_form_after_autofill(queue_item, elements, form_data):

# Declare the options
options = Options()

# Callback options
options.callbacks.crawler_before_start = cb_crawler_before_start
options.callbacks.crawler_after_finish = cb_crawler_after_finish
options.callbacks.request_before_start = cb_request_before_start
options.callbacks.request_after_finish = cb_request_after_finish
options.callbacks.form_before_autofill = cb_form_before_autofill
options.callbacks.form_after_autofill = cb_form_after_autofill

# Scope options
options.scope.protocol_must_match = False
options.scope.subdomain_must_match = False
options.scope.domain_must_match = True
options.scope.max_depth = None

# Identity options
options.identity.cookies.set(name='tasty_cookie', value='yum', domain='finnwea.com', path='/cookies')
options.identity.cookies.set(name='gross_cookie', value='blech', domain='finnwea.com', path='/elsewhere')
options.identity.headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36"

# Performance options
options.performance.max_threads = 8

crawler = Crawler(options)


The testing can and will automatically be done by Travis CI on every push to the master branch. If you want to manually run the unit tests, use the command below.

$ python -m unittest discover


Issues or new features can be reported via the GitHub issue tracker. Please make sure your issue or feature has not yet been reported by anyone else before submitting a new one.


Not Your Average Web Crawler (N.Y.A.W.C) is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.