
Primary LanguageGo


Recover symbols from stripped go executables using information from the embedded pclntab.

Intended to be used for executables built with -ldflags="-s -w" or stripped via simple methods. Anything run through a tool that compresses or renames section headers (like upx) will fail. Use a more extreme tool like GoReSym in those cases.

Work In-progress

  • Support Mach-O
  • Support ELF
  • Support ELF with -buildmode=pie
  • Support PE
  • Support scanning executables compressed with upx
  • Documented supported go versions


go install github.com/vanstee/pclntab/cmd/pclntab


$ pclntab $(which kubelet) | head
0000000000402420 internal/abi.(*RegArgs).Dump
00000000004026a0 internal/abi.(*RegArgs).IntRegArgAddr
0000000000402720 internal/abi.(*IntArgRegBitmap).Set
00000000004027a0 internal/abi.(*IntArgRegBitmap).Get
0000000000402820 internal/abi.Kind.String
0000000000402880 internal/abi.(*Type).Kind
00000000004028a0 internal/abi.(*Type).HasName
00000000004028c0 internal/abi.(*Type).Pointers
00000000004028e0 internal/abi.(*Type).IfaceIndir
0000000000402900 internal/abi.(*Type).IsDirectIface