
Primary LanguageGo

vmmap from golang

Reading from /proc/self/maps on linux works just fine. But when trying to shell out to vmmap on the current process, because of how vmmap freezes the process, we never actually return.

So, this code reimplements vmmap using golang's cgo interface. The output was stripped to display something similar to cat /proc/self/maps.

$ go run ./vmmap.go
0000000004000000-0000000004155000 00000000 /private/var/folders/cy/82bvkdg10rv9jrm3fvpc22j1ls09gf/T/go-build249262690/b001/exe/vmmap                                                                               
000000000f987000-000000000f9d2000 00000000 /usr/lib/dyld
00007ffffff74000-00007ffffff75000 00000000 /usr/lib/dyld