Google Photos App built with React native

This app is built for FourTech test


  • Google OAuth for accessing Google Photos
  • Listing medias from library.
  • Listing albums.
  • Listing shared albums.
  • Photos can be viewed, downloaded.
  • Videos can be viewed, downloaded.
  • Caching for videos & images.
  • Multiple Language Support
    • English
    • Viet Nam
  • Add media to album
  • Delete media

Google OAuth & Google Photos

This project directly use Google Photos API from Google Cloud. API key is enabled on Google Photos API. Moreover, Photos API requests are sent with REST.

While authenticating with Google, the app requests three different permissions.

  • photoslibrary.readonly
  • photoslibrary.appendonly
  • photoslibrary.sharing


Create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs on Google Cloud API Credentials for both iOS & Android. Add these files to proper paths of the project.

  • For iOS
npm install
npm run start
npm run ios
  • For Android
npm install
npm run start
npm run android

## Authors

👤 Thanh Tran Van


  • Video View Details

Android iOS
Android iOS