You can install the package via composer:
composer require vanthao03596/laravel-ulid
Generate uld from Str support class
// Default ulid generator with the current timestamp & lowercase string
Str::ulid(); // 01FDRXQ57VR4K4RASPT9NPAQC0
// Default ulid generator with the current timestamp & uppercase string
Str::ulid(false); // 01fdrxpmg9njp20z3km461fgax
// Default ulid generator with the given datetime & uppercase string
Str::ulid(false, Carbon::now()->subHour()) // 01FDRTD2K8Z664S24X606N14KD
Simply declare a ulid column type in your migration files.
Schema::create('foos', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->ulid('id')->primary(); // adds primary ulid column
$table->foreignUlid('user_id')->constrained()->cascadeOnDelete(); // adds ulid foreignkey
$table->ulidMorphs('taggable'); // adds ulid morphs
$table->nullableUlidMorphs('likeable'); // adds nullable ulid morphs
Auto generate ulid column in your model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Vanthao03596\LaravelUlid\GeneratesUlid;
class User extends Model
use GeneratesUlid;
Default column is ulid
. If you wish to use a custom column name, for example if you want your primary custom_column
column to be a ULID
, you can define a ulidColumn
method in your model.
class User extends Model
public function ulidColumn(): string
return 'custom_column';
You can have multiple ULID columns in each table by specifying an array in the ulidColumns
class User extends Model
public function ulidColumns(): array
return ['ulid', 'custom_column'];
composer test
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