
CruiseControl Plugin for Trac

Primary LanguagePython

========= CruiseControl Plugin for Trac =========
 A plugin to integrate Cruise Control into Trac

== Goals ==
Replace the existing Cruise Control reporting application by a Trac plugin.

== Features ==
 * Gives an overview of builds and results ([attachment:trac-cc_main.png Screenshot]).
 * Displays collected build logs ([attachment:trac-cc_details.png Screenshot]).
 * Builds appear in the time line ([attachment:trac-cc_timeline.png Screenshot]).

== Status ==
Even though this plugin is developed straight forward, it works pretty fine. Consider it BETA(tm) quality :)
The current version is 0.1.3

== License ==
The CruiseControl Plugin is licensed under GPL

== Requirements ==
 * Trac (>= 0.9.3, < 0.11) 
 * CruiseControl (>= 2.2.1)
 * libxml2 and libxslt with their Python bindings

== Download ==
See https://oss.werkbold.de/trac-cc/downloads

== Source Control ==
See http://github.com/vanto/trac-cc/tree

== Planned Features ==
 * Remove dependency on libxml2/libxslt
 * Multi project support
 * (Build data should be pushed by a cruisecontrol publisher via REST into Trac - see [http://www.magpiebrain.com/archives/2005/07/03/cruiseandtrac Sam Newmans REST-API approach].)
 * ...

== Known Problems ==
 * If the build details don't contain modification sets, try the attached xsl-stylesheets.
 * If you install traccc on Windows and/or globally with easy_install, the custom css and images may not be found.  A very hacky and totally wrong workaround is found in Ticket #13.

== Author ==
Tammo van Lessen, http://www.taval.de

== Contributors ==
Steffen Pingel, Don Fike, Nicolas Ternisien, Nathan Kidd, ...

== Mailing list ==
For feedback and discussions, please subscribe to the TracCC mailing list.


== Wishes / Ideas ==
Please file a [http://oss.werkbold.de/trac-cc/newticket Ticket].