
telegram bot that automatically adds reaction buttons to messages (similar to slack/discord, but crappier, coz it's not native feature)

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status Coverage

Telegram bot that automatically add reaction buttons to messages (similar to slack/discord, but crappier).



  • publish messages similar to @like but also allow to other users to add custom reactions
  • repost chat messages on behalf of bot with added reaction buttons
  • chat-wise settings:
    • list of predefined permanent buttons
    • types of messages to repost automatically
    • and more
  • magic marks

Usage in groups

  • add bot to the group
  • give him admin rights (so it could delete messages)
  • send message with media content -> bot will repost it with buttons
  • reply to that message with "+button" to add new reaction
  • use /help /settings /edit to monitor and control bot's behaviour

Usage for channels

  • go to private chat with bot
  • type /create
  • send message that you would like to "reactify"
  • press "publish" -> pick channel -> pick message
  • press "vote" to add new reaction -> user will be redirected to the private chat with bot -> send emoji/sticker to bot to add reaction

Magic Marks

(group chats only)

Apply special action by adding prefix to message's text/caption.

# force bot to ignore message (if chat settings allow this type of message to be automatically reposted)

# force bot to repost message (if bot was told to ignore this type of message)

# force bot to repost message on his behalf
# hide credits (don't show who originally posted that message)

# show "👍 👎" buttons instead of default ones in that chat
.`👍 👎`text

# combine marks
.+~`👍 👎`text

Some magic marks also work with replies (if you are the original poster of that message)

# toggle credits

# change buttons
.`👍 👎`



  • Create .envs/.production dir and copy content of .envs/.examples
  • Specify telegram bot token in app.env
  • Run: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up


  • 1-2 from prod steps
  • Create .envs/.local dir and copy content of .envs/.examples
  • Adjust evn vars for local development
  • Create docker-compose.override.yml and copy into it content of docker-compose.override.example.yml
  • Run: docker-compose up
  • Run migrations (in prod they run automatically after server start, but in dev it might be useful not to run migrations while you are still experimenting with them):
    • docker-compose exec bot python manage.py migrate
  • Misc:
    • make start - run bot
    • make restart_bot - restart bot container w/o waiting for threads to exit
  • add basic bot functionality: messages reposting, reply reactions, chat default buttons
  • add reactions to albums without reposting each photo (simple reply with buttons)
  • show credits of original message: who posted, from whom forwarded
  • allow to change bot settings only to chat's admins
  • add more chat settings:
    • number of buttons in row
    • types of messages to be reposted
    • buttons padding
    • hide/show credits
    • reply to the original message instead of reposting it
    • allow to disable reactions
    • add emoji enforcing
    • max number of buttons to show
  • add forced processing/anonymity/ignore/custom buttons via magic marks (text/caption prefixes)
  • reactions for channels via inline interface
  • add setting for inline posting
  • gather and store chat statistics
  • add web UI for chat administration and statistics