
A great challenge from Frontend Mentor

Primary LanguageSCSSThe UnlicenseUnlicense


NFT Preview Card Component


This project is solely for learning purposes. I take no any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in this project. You should not use it as a reference for creating your project.

I am currently no longer working on this project.



Welcome to the README.md of this repo! The purpose of creating this project is to sharpen my coding skill.

In this file I'm going to tell you everything, start from tools that I used, and much more.

That's it for the introduction and happy reading!

The Challenge

My challenge is to build out this preview card component and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

My users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements
  • Comfortably navigate the website using screen reader and keyboard




My Process

Built With

I follow guidelines. See what guidelines that I follow.

What I Learned

Better Performance

The Frontend Mentor has provided me with optimized asset, but there is another way to optimized it to another level, which is using the webp image.

The WebP image is smaller than the JPG, PNG, which means that my website can load even faster and safe user cellular data.

But, the problem with WebP images are they are not widely supported yet, meaning that if the user browser don't know about the WebP images, then those images won't show up.

So, to solve the problem I need picture tag. With picture tag I can make the browsers that support WebP images can load those images, while for the older browsers that don't support WebP images or even the picture will still be able to load the img tag.

    alt="preview equilibrium."

Note: The tool to convert the normal images (PNG, JPG, etc) are on the documentation

Less Markup

The Problem

In this challenge there is one thing that is tricky to do, which is the eye and cyan background overlay.

Highlight the overlay part

Worst Solution

The worst approach, that I could think of is by using HTML markup to create the overlay and the eye icon and then style it to make it look the same as on the design.

<a href="/images/equilibrium.jpg" class="card__preview">
      alt="preview equilibrium."
  <div class="card__overlay">

This is tough to style since the to do list:

  1. I have to make the card__overlay have full width and height by using absolute positioning.
  2. Then, I have to make the eye icon in the middle of the overlay by using transform property and absolute positioning.
  3. I have to set the display of the overlay.

Too much things to do for simple task.

Best Solution

After thinking for quite sometime, I decided to use CSS background property to handle the overlay and the eye icon at the same time.

And here how it works:

  1. The HTML markup is very simple. Now, I could just delete the div and img tags.
<a href="/images/equilibrium.jpg" class="card__preview">
      alt="preview equilibrium."

Note: Since I'm using WebP image, I have to use picture element to support all browsers. 2. Now the styling part. All I had to do was using pseudo element and background shorthand property to handle everything.

.card__preview {
  position: relative;
  display: block;

.card__preview::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;

.card__preview:active::after {
  background: rgba(0, 255, 247, 0.6) url("../icons/view.svg") center/3rem no-repeat;

As you can see, I am able to manage the overlay with a simple CSS styling.


The Unlicense


See the documentation.