[Question] Unable to run simple query to fetch a document from a collection
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Hi, I have this collection containing the following docs:
I'm trying to fetch an article where exhausted === False
# fetch a test article where exhausted is false
article = client.collection("articles").get_list(
1, 20, {"filter": 'exhausted = false"'})
print('article', article.items[0])
but it keeps failing here?
ne 37, in _get_list
response_data = self.client.send(
File "C:\_repo\python_pocket_base\.venv\Lib\site-packages\pocketbase\client.py", line 109, in send
raise ClientResponseError(pocketbase.utils.ClientResponseError: Response error. Status code:403
Have I used the correct syntax to fetch?
Errors 403 is caused by wrong authentication.
Verify if you are logged with correct user before.
Try login with your admin user to test.
how to fetch and see data like this
root@minx-Lenovo-V145-14AST:/home/minx/belajar/colongan/pythonsidik# python3 test.py
<Record: 85oeuawmpqdm44y>
<Record: l99wjn9094c2193>
my code
import asyncio
from pocketbase import PocketBase
client = PocketBase('')
admin_data = client.admins.auth_with_password("xxx@gmail.com", "admxxxxin12345")
result = client.collection("fletSample").get_full_list()
for x in result: