- 0
`items` attribute from collection.get_list() should be `list[Record]`, not `list[Basemodel]`
#106 opened by TomTom101 - 0
Add new email functionality
#105 opened by davidsonpoole - 1
- 0
`id`, `created` and `updated` fields returning empty when using `fields` query parameter
#104 opened by Branquo - 1
Please release a new version
#101 opened by Ravencentric - 0
- 1
Filter by date does not work
#99 opened by claytonjr - 3
httpx too old version
#93 opened by Glavnyuk - 0
camelCase Row names become snake_case
#92 opened by maksp-glitch - 1
- 3
Support backup API
#86 opened by slobberchops - 3
Support for protected files
#72 opened by simon-lund - 2
[Help] How to get record data ... ?
#83 opened by Saad5400 - 2
- 2
- 2
- 4
.collections.get_full_list() error
#80 opened by mc92mc - 0
log service broken with pocketbase >=v0.20.0
#74 opened by m29h - 1
How to use the transaction, did not find the corresponding transaction package interface
#79 opened by wg200202 - 1
SSE thread will die silently
#78 opened by joshmcculloch - 3
Remove class variables
#70 opened by simon-lund - 4
how to see data from [<Record: 85oeuawmpqdm44y>, <Record: l99wjn9094c2193>]
#29 opened by bobwatcherx - 4
Back-relation expand
#73 opened by MuslemRahimi - 1
Incorrect last pocketbase version?
#71 opened by moracabanas - 2
Subscribe example
#69 opened by demket - 0
- 0
- 6
TypeError when expanding relations.
#65 opened by kbruegge - 2
- 4
Run background
#34 opened by elsacutealways - 7
Fix Subscription RemoteProtocolError
#39 opened by User00092 - 0
creating LocalAuthStore with at an empty location leads to FileNotFoundError error in _storage_get()
#47 opened by m29h - 0
Trying to upload a single file record uploads of three files with wrong content instead
#49 opened by m29h - 0
confirmPasswortReset returns the wrong type
#51 opened by m29h - 0
AdminService delete + update methods do not work
#53 opened by m29h - 0
unsubscribe does not work in RealtimeService
#45 opened by m29h - 1
version 0.8.2 actually isn't in pypi
#55 opened by mezerotm - 1
get_first_list_item Not Work
#41 opened by bobwatcherx - 5
[featured] Add file url method
#21 opened by paulocoutinhox - 0
Custom Headers for PocketBase
#38 opened by User00092 - 2
- 1
how to get user id after logging in user
#40 opened by bobwatcherx - 2
Wrong authentication headers
#19 opened by paulocoutinhox - 2
add json serialization support for various types
#27 opened by dsikes - 0
how to add new user and registration
#28 opened by bobwatcherx - 1
how to Add record to collection
#30 opened by bobwatcherx - 0
- 3
[Question] Unable to run simple query to fetch a document from a collection
#24 opened by ryanrosello-og - 0
- 1
Filters dont work v0.3.0-beta
#15 opened by kiliangui