
Simple zsh script to toggle size & location of X11 application window

Primary LanguageShell

Usage: toggle_window_geometry.zsh [xdotool search options] PATTERN – X1,Y1:W1xH1 X2,Y2:W2xH2 …

Toggle the geometry of a window between the list of geometries provided on the command line. Each geometry takes the form X,Y:WxH or X,Y or WxH, where X & Y define the location of the top left corner of the window, and WxH defines the width & height. Missing values (e.g. for X,Y or WxH forms) will be replaced with values matching the current state of the selected window. Each of X,Y,W & H may be either a pixel count or a screen percentage. Examples: 0,140:100%x80%, 0,140, 100%x80%, 1280x576

The current window geometry is compared with those provided on the command line, and the nearest match found. Then the window is resized to match the next geometry in the list, or if the nearest match was the last one in the list, then the first one is used.

If no geometries are provided on the command line then 100%x100% & 100%x50% are used, i.e. toggle between full size & half height windows (you can alter these default values by altering the script).

Options coming before – are passed to “xdotool search” to identify the window to resize. You must quote anchor chars (e.g. ^ & $) in the window PATTERN, e.g. ‘\^xterm\$’

Example: toggle_window_geometry.zsh –onlyvisible –class “\^xterm” – 50%x50% 100%x50% 100%x100%

To display this help: toggle_window_geometry.zsh -h