
My take on a shell program that was given to me as a homework assignment in my Systems Programming class. This is just a repository to finish the project, since I did not submit the full version on time, just about 80% of it.

Primary LanguageC


My take on a shell program that was given to me as a homework assignment in my Systems Programming class.

This is just a repository to finish the project, since I did not submit the full version on time, just about 80% of it.

The Basic Assigment

Create a "simplified" version of a command line prompt using parent and child processes, and other relevant header files that C has so gracefully provided for us.

The Commands

In this assignment, I was supposed to implement a certain number of commands that the user can type and execute certain processes.

wd --- Displays the current working directory

chwd pathname --- Changes the current working directory to the one specified in the second argument.


list --- Displays all non-hidden files in the current directory

list pathname -- Same as above, but with a specified pathname.

list -i --- Displays all files in the current directory, their size (in bytes), permissions, and inode numbers.

list -i pathname --- Same as above, but with a specified pathname.

list -h --- Displays all hidden files in the current directory.

list -h pathname --- Same as above, but with a specified pathname.


create -f filepath --- Create a new file with a specified pathname.

create -d dirpath --- Create a new directory with specified pathname.

create -h oldname newname --- Create a hard link with a specified old name and a specified new name.

create -s oldname newname --- Create a symbolic (soft) link with a specified old name and a specified new name.


help -- Displays this information.

quit --- Exits out of the program.

Note: This program will only work on a cygwin64 terminal, as the executable files that will be called will have ./executable.exe as their format. You can change the format of the executable file in the macros.h file.

Note: The list and create executable files can actually be run on their own without the use of running the shell402 executable file.

The full list of commands can also be viewed under the command help.