
Problem with `region` in `fanc/bin/fancplot`

kalavattam opened this issue · 3 comments


Thank you for the great program, which I'm in the midst of learning to use. I'm trying to plot an .mcool file. I am running the following command:



fancplot \
    -o "test.png" \
    XII:100000-200000 \
    -p square \
    --title "6400 bp, XII:100000-200000" \
    --colormap "germany" \

I am getting the following error message, which I'm finding difficult to troubleshoot:

/home/kalavatt/miniconda3/envs/fanc_env/bin/fancplot:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
2023-09-29 12:52:47,947 INFO Using non-interactive backend
2023-09-29 12:52:48,324 INFO Found 1 regions
/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/bin/fancplot:187: UserWarning: There was an error with plot 0, region XII:100000-200000 (Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/bin/fancplot", line 170, in __init__
    fig, axes = gf.plot(plot_region)
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 211, in plot
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 786, in plot
    self._after_plot((x_region, y_region))
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 581, in _after_plot
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 651, in add_colorbar
    self.update_colorbar(vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, baseline=baseline)
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 669, in update_colorbar
AttributeError: 'Colorbar' object has no attribute 'draw_all'
  warnings.warn("There was an error with plot {}, region {}:{}-{} ({})".format(i, region.chromosome,
2023-09-29 12:52:48,514 WARNING 'Colorbar' object has no attribute 'draw_all'

I see that this is associated with these portion of code:

The file is for Hi-C from S. cerevisiae, which have chromosomes with roman-numeral names. I can confirm that the chromosome name "XII" is correct and the regions 100000–200000 exist and contain data. I can also confirm that the resolution 6400 exists in the .mcool.

Do you have any advice on troubleshooting this? Thanks.

Specifying vmin, vmax, and a matplotlib color (with argument -c) results in the same error:


fancplot \
    -o "test.pdf" \
    XII:100000-200000 \
    -p square \
    -vmin 0 -vmax 0.1 \
    --title "6400 bp, XII:100000-200000" \
    -c Reds \
/home/kalavatt/miniconda3/envs/fanc_env/bin/fancplot:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
2023-09-29 13:14:42,151 INFO Using non-interactive backend
2023-09-29 13:14:42,582 INFO Found 1 regions
/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/bin/fancplot:187: UserWarning: There was an error with plot 0, region XII:100000-200000 (Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/bin/fancplot", line 170, in __init__
    fig, axes = gf.plot(plot_region)
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 211, in plot
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 786, in plot
    self._after_plot((x_region, y_region))
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 581, in _after_plot
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 651, in add_colorbar
    self.update_colorbar(vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, baseline=baseline)
  File "/fh/fast/tsukiyama_t/grp/tsukiyamalab/kalavatt/2023_rDNA/src/fanc/fanc/plotting/", line 669, in update_colorbar
AttributeError: 'Colorbar' object has no attribute 'draw_all'
  warnings.warn("There was an error with plot {}, region {}:{}-{} ({})".format(i, region.chromosome,
2023-09-29 13:14:42,775 WARNING 'Colorbar' object has no attribute 'draw_all'

This should be fixed in the latest available version, 0.9.27

Thank you—updating from 0.9.26 (pip install of git clone to 0.9.27 (pip install of file posted here) resolved the issue. Closing now.