- Rate calculation MC
- Rate calculation DATA
- NTuple making
- Rate calculation
Using HowToL1TriggerMenu instructions.
ssh -XY
# 1. Setting up the environment
cmsrel CMSSW_12_3_0_pre1
cd CMSSW_12_3_0_pre1/src
git cms-init
git remote add cms-l1t-offline
git fetch cms-l1t-offline l1t-integration-CMSSW_12_3_0
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-l1t-offline:l1t-integration-v119.0
git clone L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data
git cms-checkdeps -A -a
scram b -j 8
# 2. Setting up the MenuTools environment (NOTE: logout and then go back to CMSSW_12_3_0_pre1/src; no cmsenv)
git clone --depth 1
cd L1MenuTools/rate-estimation
# 3. Translating a menu XML file into C++ code
wget . # alternatively: place your custom menu XML here
bash L1Menu_Collisions2022_v0_1_2.xml # alternatively: provide your custom menu XML
# 4. Compile the rate estimation framework with your custom menulib.* files
mkdir -p objs/include
make -j 8
Every time you modify your menu, run:
#Assume the user is at L1MenuTools/rate-estimation/
#1. Translating a menu XML file into C++ code
bash L1Menu_Collisions2022_v0_1_2.xml # alternatively: provide your custom menu XML
# 2. Compile the rate estimation framework with your custom menulib.* files
mkdir -p objs/include
make -j 8
# Assume the user is at L1MenuTools/rate-estimation/
#1. Translating a menu XML file into C++ code
bash L1Menu_Collisions2022_v0_1_2.xml # alternatively: provide your custom menu XML
# 2. Compile the rate estimation framework with your custom menulib.* files
mkdir -p objs/include
make -j 8
After running the command
./testMenu2016 -m menu/Prescale_2022_v0_1_2.csv -l ntuple/Run3_NuGun_MC_ntuples.list -o testoutput -b 2544 --doPlotRate --doPlotEff --maxEvent 20000 --SelectCol 2E+34 --doPrintPU --allPileUp --doReweightingRun3
I get the following results (Wrapped)
357 L1_DoubleJet_110_35_DoubleJet35_Mass_Min620 1 17538.1 +/- 5042.31 3545.32 7957.98 16
358 L1_DoubleJet_115_40_DoubleJet40_Mass_Min620 1 12970.4 +/- 4336.27 0 3901.5 10
359 L1_DoubleJet_120_45_DoubleJet45_Mass_Min620 1 6524.15 +/- 3075.4 0 1301.97 7
360 L1_DoubleJet_115_40_DoubleJet40_Mass_Min620_Jet60TT28 1 7478.65 +/- 3292.69 0 1641.69 5
361 L1_DoubleJet_120_45_DoubleJet45_Mass_Min620_Jet60TT28 1 3737 +/- 2327.56 0 394.478 3
363 L1_DoubleJet35_Mass_Min450_IsoTau45_RmOvlp 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
364 L1_DoubleJet_80_30_Mass_Min420_IsoTau40_RmOvlp 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
365 L1_DoubleJet_80_30_Mass_Min420_Mu8 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
366 L1_DoubleJet_80_30_Mass_Min420_DoubleMu0_SQ 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
372 L1_TripleJet_95_75_65_DoubleJet_75_65_er2p5 1 1398.32 +/- 1423.78 372.349 796.451 3
373 L1_TripleJet_100_80_70_DoubleJet_80_70_er2p5 1 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
374 L1_TripleJet_105_85_75_DoubleJet_85_75_er2p5 1 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
376 L1_QuadJet_95_75_65_20_DoubleJet_75_65_er2p5_Jet20_FWD3p0 1 1025.97 +/- 1219.57 0 424.101 2
382 L1_QuadJet60er2p5 0 0 +/- 0 0 0 0
This step was done according to twiki SWGuideL1TStage2Instructions documentation
Navigate to
-> Environment Setup with Integration Tags -> CMSSW_11_2_0
and setup the environment
cmsrel CMSSW_11_2_0
cd CMSSW_11_2_0/src
git cms-init
git remote add cms-l1t-offline
git fetch cms-l1t-offline l1t-integration-CMSSW_11_2_0
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-l1t-offline:l1t-integration-v105.20.1
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/Configuration
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TMuon
git clone L1Trigger/L1TMuon/data
git cms-addpkg L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter
git clone L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data
git cms-checkdeps -A -a
scram b -j 8
In case if you will have git related problems you should connect your local git with remote github account by adding ssh-key
in your lxplus's ssh configs and in github account.
Recommended GlobalTag for run2 data reprocessing is 112X_dataRun2_v7
Navigate to
-> L1T Cookbook: current recipes -> Re-emulating 2018 data with the new 2018 CaloParams and conditions
Following command used to generate processing script l1Ntuple -s RAW2DIGI -n -1 --no_output --era=Run2_2018 --data --conditions=112X_dataRun2_v7 --customise=L1Trigger/Configuration/customiseReEmul.L1TReEmulFromRAW --customise=L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/customiseL1Ntuple.L1NtupleRAWEMU --filein=file:/eos/cms/store/data/Run2018D/store/data/Run2018D/ZeroBias/RAW/v1/000/325/240/00000/4E953DE3-A07E-6F45-94F4-E530035D3757.root
This will generate file.
Do not pay attention if the command would not execute successfully due to some networking issues. Important to have generated
For crab jobs we are using this
In this configuration we are using following dataset
After getting the NTuples, I prepared simple script to gather the filepaths of those NTuples.
I saved this as llist
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
# print(sys.argv)
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
info_str = """
command to execute:
llist "<path>/<glob_pattern>"
import glob
import os
for i in glob.glob(sys.argv[1]):
The usage of the script is the following (for example my Ntuples are in "/eos/user/a/aloyan/2021/trigger/crab_projects/crab_Run2018D-v1/results/*.root" >> ~/files.txt
I will run the command to get the filenames
llist "/eos/user/a/aloyan/2021/trigger/crab_projects/crab_Run2018D-v1/results/*.root" >> ~/files.txt
Then You need to move the files.txt
file into CMSSW_12_3_0_pre1/src/L1MenuTools
directory and run the the command
for rate calculation mentioned in the first part of this doc.
./testMenu2016 -m menu/Prescale_2022_v0_1_2.csv -l ntuple/files.txt -o testoutput -b 2544 --doPlotRate --doPlotEff --maxEvent 20000 --SelectCol 2E+34 --doPrintPU --allPileUp
Unfortunately results are still unsatisfying due to the -1 values in results/?_PU.csv