Application is a solution of the assessment
This repository has 2 branches master
and simple
Final solution is in
branch, where I implemented Factory Method design pattern in order to solve the problem. -
There is a simple solution in
branch, which I made at first, then modifying I got master branch
Below will describe the flow of the application master
Import multiple files (currently supported csv files, but there are placeholders for supporting json and xml files)
Parse imported files
Uniform parsed files
Unify uniformed files
export unified files
Unifiers implementation can be found in file
Currently implemented unifiers:
- CSVUnifier
Exporters implementation can be found in file
Currently implemented exporters:
- CSVExporter
- JSONExporter
Application is configuring using, where are defined:
1. Supported schemes
2. Uniform_scheme
3. Mapping rules
- Mapping functions (amount, date convertion)
In order to run application type