A mighty tool to answer all your question.
λ py m8y_ball.py
As I see it, yes
So basically you get a random answer.
λ py m8y_ball.py -h
usage: m8y_ball.py [-h] [-i I] [-l] [input]
The classical magic 8-ball will now answer your questions.
positional arguments:
input predefined type
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i I input file (txt)
-l, --list list all predefined types
import m8y_ball as ball
Gives an mighty random answer.
Lists all predefined types, equivalent to λ py m8y_ball.py -l
Input type
should be a type defined by listt()
Gives an answer based on a predifined type (s. listt()
equivalent to λ py m8y_ball.py input
Input file
should be a file name or path.
Gives an answer based on a self declared answer file,
equivalent to λ py m8y_ball.py -i I
λ cat answer.txt
l33t haxx0r
Can i haz cheesburgerz
λ py m8y_ball.py -i answer.txt
Can i haz cheesburgerz
An answer file is file with answers used to answer questions,
it should contain one answer on one line.
These lines should be seperated by newlines (\n
- generic
- excuses
- financial
- inspirational
- sarcastic