Supports webhook notifications for OAuth token refresh. Main code in bash, API retrived with python, downloads with youtube-dl.
ytbu is meant to be run on linux, with crontab. (timing guide) Cron should execute
See for more instructions and for the main config. Also edit to set the working directory for it aswell and set up webhooks for token refresh notifications.
youtube-dl may be configured at the bottom of
- youtube-dl errors: Make sure youtube-dl is up to date by running
sudo youtube-dl -U
- Your API token may be expired. If so, run it manually, without crontab and authenticate.
- Out of space? Split the ytbu_channels.txt to multiple files and run 69th line of to download the files (the line beginning with $ydl), then manually move them to your storage and repeat. Alternatively change youtube-dl's output to an rclone mount