
Scripts to assist VLBI data reduction in CASA

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to assist VLBI data reduction in CASA

The functionality of the append_tsys.py, gc.py and flag.py scripts is also available in Python modules. The following interfaces are available:

casvlbitools.fitsidi.append_tsys(andtabfile, idifiles)

Append Tsys measurements from the file named by antabfile (which should be in AIPS ANTAB format or VLBA VLOG format) to the FITS-IDI file named by idifiles. If an observation is split into multiple FITS-IDI files, idifile should be a list of file names.

casvlbitools.fitsidi.append_gc(andtabfile, idifile)

Append gain curves and sensitivity information from the file named by antabfile (which should be in AIPS ANTAB format) to the FITS-IDI file named by idifile.

casavlbitools.casa.convert_gaincurve(antabfile, gc, min_elevation=0.0, max_elevation=90.0)

Create a gaincurve table with name gc from gain curves from the file named by antablfile (which should be in AIPS ANTAB format or VLBA gains format). The gain curves are sampled between min_elevation and max_elevation, which should be specified in degrees, and then refitted.

casavlbitools.fitsidi.convert_flags(infile, idifiles, outfp=sys.stdout, outfile=None)

Convert the flag file named by infile (which should be in AIPS UVFLG format) into a format that can be used by CASA. The name of the FITS-IDI files corresponding to the observsation should be passed in idifiles. By default the converted output is written to stdout. Output is written to a file named outpufile instead if that parameter is provided.