Create a paging swappable menu, easily customizable, with item interactive outside of bounds.
Just add "MenuScrollView.h" and "MenuScrollView.m" into your xcodeproject. Don't forget to import it wherever you need them :
#import "MenuScrollView.h"
Wheter you use a nib or just hard code your user interface, you just need to create a new view of type MenuScrollView. Then, you only need to add items to your menu:
// Add items to the menu
[self.menuScrollView addItemWithTitle:@"Menu item 1"];
[self.menuScrollView addItemWithTitle:@"Menu item 2"];
[self.menuScrollView addItemWithTitle:@"Menu item 3"];
// and so on
The MenuScrollView comes with a delegate protocol in order to handle user interaction with the menu.
Two optional methods:
-menuItemPressed:(UIButton *)item atIndex:(int)index;
-menuMovedToItem:(UIButton *)item atIndex:(int)index;
Thanks to those two methods you can actualize your interface or trigger actions when the user changes the menu item selected:
#pragma mark MenuScrollView Delegate methods
// Handle user selecting new menu item
- (void)menuMovedToItem:(UIButton *)item atIndex:(int)index {
// Update text label depending on menu selection
self.textLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Menu item selected : %@", item.titleLabel.text];
[self.textLabel sizeToFit];
// This behavior is less likely to be used. It is used when a menu item on focus is touched. It's just here in case someone may find it useful...
- (void)menuItemPressed:(UIButton *)item atIndex:(int)index {
self.textLabel.text = item.titleLabel.text;
[self.textLabel sizeToFit];
Manually change menu focus on item, with animation or not:
``` objective-c // Set/Move the menu to desired item // Great for initialization or to switch menu item automatically [self.menuScrollView moveMenuScrollViewToIndex:1 animated:NO]; ```Get menu items for manipulations or customizations:
``` objective-c// Access each menu item for customization or extra manipulation for (UIButton *item in self.menuScrollView.itemsCollection) { // Customise view as you want [item setTitleColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:81/255.0 green:188/255.0 blue:197/255.0 alpha:1] forState:UIControlStateNormal]; }
// OR
// Access a specific item in the menu for customization UIButton *menuItem = [self.menuScrollView getItemAtIndex:4]; [menuItem setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]]
<p>Any suggestions are welcome ! as I am looking to learn good practices, to understand better behaviors and Objective-C in general !
Thank you.</p>