
Dictionary website using dictionary API which fetches the definition of the word entered along with its pronuniciation in the form an audio.

Primary LanguageCSS

Dictionary App

PR's Welcome

Demo Link

  • This is a dictionary website using dictionary API which fetches the definition of the word entered along with its pronuniciation in the form an audio.
  • It also gives suggestions of words when there's a spelling error in your word.
  • There's a feature of Learn the Word of the day which generates random english words.

Tech Stack

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS3
  • Dictionary API
  • Github Pages

Contribution Guidelines

  • Write clear meaningful git commit messages.
  • Always create another branch and it should have a relevant name.
  • When you make minor changes to a PR of yours (like for example fixing a text in button, minor changes requested by reviewers) make sure you squash your commits afterward so that you don't have too many commits for a very small fix.
  • When you're submitting a PR for a UI-related issue, it would be really great if you add a screenshot of your change or a link to a deployment where it can be tested out along with your PR. It makes it very easy for the reviewers and you'll also get reviews quicker.