Setup virtual environment and install project dependencies:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt


source venv/bin/activate
python ./src/

Initial download of CSV data (the 1st step):

source venv/bin/activate
python ./src/ --action=init

All downloaded CSV files are placed into the DATA_DIR folder. Then all these files get preprocessed to the single "single.csv" file without duplicates. This "single.csv" file is created in the PROCESSED_DATA_DIR.

For all constants values please refer to the src/ module; it is self-explanatory.


This step performs cleanup for all the previously downloaded files, i.e. it removes all files from the DATA_DIR and PROCESSED_DATA_DIR folders upon starting.

Query data from live website (the 2nd step):

source venv/bin/activate
python ./src/ --action=query

This step should be performed only when the 1st step is done and there's the "single.csv" file in the PROCESSED_DATA_DIR. This step iterates through all the unique postcodes from the "single.csv" file, does requests and scrapes the required relevant fields.

It stores these fields in a separate CSV file named after a postcode (i.e. SK13_5DB.csv will be generated for the "SK13 5DB" postcode) in the RESULTS_DIR folder. It skips postcodes if there's a corresponding CSV file in the RESULTS_DIR, therefore this step may be re-run many times without issues.