
Generate Varnish VCL rules from ua-parser data

Primary LanguageGo

What it is

Two different Varnish implementations of uap-core allowing Varnish to classify a user-agent string and extracts some information from them. It's not as advanced as deviceAtlas, but it relies on an open-database.

The first implementation targets Varnish Enterprise and uses vmod-rewrite to match the user-agent with the database entries. The second one is a pure-VCL implementation suitable for Varnish Cache. It's slower than the Varnish Enterprise option, but it requires no vmod.

How it is built

You'll need:

  • go >= 1.16
  • make
  • curl
  • either Varnish Cache or Varnish Enterprise
# build 

# run tests on Enterprise
make check-enterprise

# or on Cache
make check-oss

How it works

Running make will generate both uap-enterprise.vcl uap-enterprise.vtc. Include either of them and call uap_detect (they both implement it) from a client subroutine such as vcl_recv.

As a result, uap_detect will populate these request headers (req.http.*) matching the results found in regexes.yaml:

  • ua-family
  • ua-major
  • ua-minor
  • ua-patch
  • os-family
  • os-major
  • os-minor
  • os-patch
  • os-patch_minor
  • device-family
  • device-brand
  • device-model

Example VCL:

vcl 4.1;

import std;

include "./uap-oss.vcl";

backend default none;

sub vcl_recv {
    call uap_detect;
    std.log("device family is: " + req.http.device-family);
    return (synth(200));