
Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


CreatureCubeDN404 is an open edition NFT minting contract based on the DN404 system. It allows for a flexible and phase-controlled minting process, including specific functions for artist minting and liquidity pool management. Each NFT deed represents 1,000 ERC20 tokens within the DN404 system, with a fixed mint price and no supply limits. Minting can be permanently ended when the owner calls endMint.

Contract Overview

  • Name: Creature Cubes
  • Symbol: CUBE
  • Mint Price: 0.0019 ether per NFT
  • Token Representation: 1 NFT deed = 1,000 ERC20 tokens (CUBES)
  • Phases: Controlled by the owner to manage minting access.
  • ERC2981 Royalties: Integrated with a 5% default royalty.
  • Mirror Contract: The contract interacts with a DN404Mirror for liquidity management.


1. Minting Phases

The contract controls minting access through a phased approach:

  • Phase 0: No minting allowed.
  • Phase 1: Open minting for all users.
  • Phase 2: Owner-only minting (intended for specific artists).
  • Phase 3: Owner-only minting (intended for liquidity pool purposes).

The contract starts in Phase 0. The owner can change the phase using the setPhase function.

2. Minting Functions

  • Public Minting (mint): Available during Phase 1. Anyone can mint NFTs by sending the correct Ether amount.
  • Artist Minting (artistMint): Available to the owner during Phases 1 and 2. This function mints NFTs to a recipient while setting the skipNFT flag, meaning the recipient receives only the ERC20 tokens and not the NFT deed.
  • Liquidity Pool Minting (lpMint): Available to the owner during Phases 2 and 3. This function mints NFTs to the liquidity pool address (autoLPAddress) and sets the skipNFT flag for the pool.

3. Liquidity Pool Management

  • Set Auto LP Address: The owner can set the address for the liquidity pool using the setAutoLP function.
  • Transfer ETH to LP: The transferLPEth function transfers 10% of the contract's ETH balance to the autoLPAddress.

4. Mint End Control

  • End Minting: The endMint function permanently stops all minting. This function can only be called by the owner during Phase 3.

5. Pause Functionality

  • Pause Minting: The owner can pause all minting activities using the setPause function. Pausing does not affect the ability to call endMint.

6. Royalties (ERC2981)

The contract implements the ERC2981 royalty standard, with a default royalty set to 5% during deployment. This royalty can be updated using appropriate ERC2981 functions.

7. Ownership and Access Control

The contract uses Solady's Ownable module for ownership management:

  • Ownership Functions: Only the owner can call functions such as setSkipNFTFor, setBaseURI, setAutoLP, and minting-related functions.
  • Mirror Contract: A DN404Mirror contract is deployed during initialization, and its address is stored in mirrorAddress. The mirror contract integrates with the DN404 system.

8. Token URI and Metadata

  • Token URI: The _tokenURI function returns the metadata URI for a token by concatenating the base URI with the token ID. The owner can update the base URI using the setBaseURI function.

9. Token Unit Customization

  • Token Representation: The _unit function ensures that each NFT deed represents 1,000 ERC20 tokens. This unit size is fixed and cannot be changed.

10. Withdraw Ether

  • Withdraw Function: The withdraw function allows the owner to withdraw all Ether from the contract.


To install the contract and its dependencies:

forge install

DN404 🥜


DN404 is an implementation of a co-joined ERC20 and ERC721 pair.

To learn more about these dual nature token pairs, you can read the full ERC-7631 spec.

  • Full compliance with the ERC20 and ERC721 specifications.
  • Transfers on one side will be reflected on the other side.
  • Pretty optimized.


To install with Foundry:

forge install vectorized/dn404

To install with Hardhat:

npm install dn404


The Solidity smart contracts are located in the src directory.

├─ DN404 — "ERC20 contract for DN404"
├─ DN404Mirror — "ERC721 contract for DN404"
├─ DN420 — "Single-contract ERC20 ERC1155 chimera"
└─ example
   ├─ SimpleDN404 — "Simple DN404 example as ERC20"
   └─ NFTMintDN404 — "Simple DN404 example as ERC721"


Feel free to make a pull request.

Guidelines same as Solady's.


This is experimental software and is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

We do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase.

While DN404 has been heavily tested, there may be parts that exhibit unexpected emergent behavior when used with other code, or break in future Solidity versions.

Please always include your own thorough tests when using DN404 to make sure it works correctly with your code.


Most contracts in DN404 are compatible with both upgradeable and non-upgradeable (i.e. regular) contracts.

Please call any required internal initialization methods accordingly.


This repository is inspired by various sources: