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Welcome to Palo! Your favourite platform to book the best pools in the whole wide world! Customers can sign up on the platform & reserve any pool that is available near them.
This project is built using
- express framework (https://expressjs.com/)
- sequelize ORM (https://sequelize.org/) with in-memory sqlite database
- zod schema validation (https://zod.dev/)
Happy coding!
- Check TODO in
- Check TODO in
- Design a model for the pool & reservations that can be done by the users (customers) and have the ability to cancel them as well.
- A pool can only have two reservations for the same day since it has two slots (morning & night)
- Some pools don't operate on certain days (i.e Pool X don't allow any reservations on Friday)
- Each slot (morning or night) has a different price
- In some special occaisions (i.e Eid, Ramadan) the price for both or one slot is priced differently
- Implement logic for
- Implement logic for
Run the command npm run dev
on a new terminal to run the server
Since the server is not accessible through the internet, you need to run curl
commands locally
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "email":"qasim@calo.app", "name": "qasim"}' \