React Matrix Rain


React Matrix Rain implements JavaScript canvas element to create matrix rain effect. Try out this locally on the computer, you will nees NodeJS and any package manager( NPM/Yarn ).

Once you have the above installed on the machine simply download or clone this repository

$ git clone

Once the repository is cloned/downloaded perform the following

$ cd react-matrix-rain

For npm

$ npm install
$ npm start

For Yarn

$ yarn install
$ yarn start


Name Value Range example Description
backgroundColor string "0,0,0" for black Colorize background with the given rgb string value.
textColor string "#ffffff" for white Colorize text color with the given string value.
fontSize number 25 for 25px Determine the font size of the text.
textString string 0123456789 Determine the text appearance in the matrix rain.
height number 300 for 300px Determine the height of the canvas.
width number 300 for 300px Determine the width of the canvas.
