
Swagern is a command-line tool that automates the process of generating API test cases from a given Swagger or other API specification files. It leverages the power of fuzzy logic to match user-defined test case descriptions with the corresponding API endpoints defined in the specification file. The output is a set of Tavern YAML files that can be directly used to run API tests.


  • Fuzzy Matching: Swagern automatically maps user-defined test cases to API endpoints using fuzzy logic, allowing for more flexible test case definitions.
  • Customizable Output: Specify output directories or use the default location.
  • Integration with Various API Specifications: While initially built for Swagger files, Swagern aims to support various API specifications.
  • Environment Variable Mapping: Use a mapper file to define and load environment variables into your tests.


Install Swagern using pip:

pip install swagern



Path to input test cases in YAML format. This is a required parameter.


Path to the output directory where the Tavern test files will be generated. This is an optional parameter, and the default location is the tests directory in the current working directory.


Path to the mapper YAML file, used for defining and loading environment variables into your tests.


Path to the Swagger or other API specifications file. This is an optional parameter. If not provided, Swagern will look for a default file path.


Use the generate command to create Tavern YAML files based on your input file and specifications:

swagern generate --input path/to/test_cases.yaml --output path/to/output-dir --mapper path/to/mapper-file --api-spec path/to/swagger.json