
Google docs clone using Flutter and Backend as NodeJS

Primary LanguageDart

Google docs clone

The goal of this project was to learn how actual Google Docs works and to implement a simplified version of it. The project was implemented using Flutter and Node.js. The project supports almost all the features of Google Docs like real-time collaboration, text formatting, and many more. The important part of the project was to implement real-time collaboration, which was achieved using WebSockets.


  • Real-time collaboration
  • Text formatting
  • Google authentication
  • File management
  • Real-time cursor position
  • Auto-save


Screens snapshot

How to run

NOTE: As the backend is hosted on Free Server, it may take some time to load the app for the first time.

  • Find the Reelase apk in the release folder and install it on your device.
  • Open the app and sign in with your Google account.
  • Start creating documents and collaborate with your friends.

How to run locally

  • Clone the repository
    git clone https://github.com/varshil-shah/google-docs-flutter.git
  • Inside server folder, create a .env file and add the following content
    MONGO_URI=<Your MongoDB URI>
  • Create an account on Google Cloud Platform and create a new project.
  • Create a Oauth 2.0 Client Id and store the json file in /android/app/<google-services.json>.
  • For web, copy the meta tag provided and paste your client id in /web/index.html.
  • Run the server using yarn start inside the server folder.

Tech Stack

  • Flutter
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • WebSockets

Open Source Libraries

  • Quill - A modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
  • Socket.io - Socket.IO client for Flutter.
  • Google Sign In - Google Sign-In plugin for Flutter.

Future Scope

  • Download documents as PDF.
  • Add support for images and tables.
  • Implement CURD operations for documents.