Pinned Repositories
In this Repository , You will learn about autoencoders which the topic of deep learning.
In this Repository , You will learn about Denoising using MNIST dataset which is one of the Application of Autoencoders .
In this Repository , You will learn about Denoising images using custom images which is one of the Applications of Autoencoders
In this Repository , You will learn about Anomaly detection which is one of the Application of Autoencoders in deep learning
In this Repository , You will learn about Domain Adaptation which is one of the Application of Autoencoders in deep learning
In this Repository , You will learn about Image Colorization which is one of the Application of Autoencoders in deep learning
In this Repository , You will learn about Denoising MRI images also CT microscopy images using Python with code and all the related images
In this Repository , You will learn about Image filters using discreate Fourier transform (DFT) with code and get fully detailed word file about this topic.
In this Repository , You will learn about non local means denoising using digital image filtering and convolution.
In this Repository , You will learn about Total Variation denoising filter with code and get detailed word file of it.
varshilgandhi's Repositories
In this Repository , You will learn about Image filters using discreate Fourier transform (DFT) with code and get fully detailed word file about this topic.
In this Repository , You will learn about non local means denoising using digital image filtering and convolution.
In this Repository , You will learn about Total Variation denoising filter with code and get detailed word file of it.
In this Repository , You will learn about AutoEncoders using transfer learning Image Colorization with code and detailed word file
In this repository, You will understand the concept of DBSCAN and how it works.
In this Repository , You will learn about different methods of Image Registration using Python with code and get detailed word file of it.
In this Repository , You will learn about Image Registration using Pystackreg library in Python with code and detailed word file which include full information about pystackreg library.
In this Repository , You will learn about Image Segmentation using U-Net with code and detailed word file
In this Repository , You will understand the concept of transfer learning with code and get fully detailed word file of this topic
In this Repository , You will learn about Ridge filters for image processing with code and detailed word file
In this Repository , You will learn the concept of Sub pixel image registration in Python with code and detailed word file which includes all the information related this topic.
In this Repository , we will see that some times in image processing there are no need to use deep learning stuff we just using some other easy methods like traditional machine learning so our efficiency and speed both are increase for doing our day to day image processing with code and detailed word file.
In this Repository, You will learn about Univariate, Bi-Variate and MultiVariate Analysis with detailed code.
In this Repository , You will learn the concept of Fourier Transform with code and also get best detailed information of word file about Fourier Transform
In this Project, You learn that how to approach any machine learning project step by step .
In this Repository , You will learn about Averaging an image stack for denoising in read and DCT space with code and detailed word file about this topic.
This is a repository of Basic C Programs
In this Repository, Some amazing C Programming Questions are there.
In this repository, you will understood the concept of chi-square test with code.
In this Repository , You will understand that how to create model with random dataset and predict it accuracy and learn how to save it with code.
In this Repository , You will learn about Edge filter for image processing with code and detailed word file covered by this topic.
This is a Repository that I created for Learn about Git and Github.
In this repository, I am created the project on Loan Eligibility Prediction .
In this Repository, you will understand the concept of Multiple Linear Regression with dataset and code.
In this Repository , You will learn about Normalizing H&E images and digitally separating Hematoxylin and eosin with code and get best detailed word file related this topic.
In this Repositiory , You will learn about Python Exception Handling and advance Python Exception with custom exception .
In this Repository, You will understand the concept of Ridge and Lasso Regression with meaning full implementation .
Example Streamlit app that you can fork to test out
In this Repository , You will learn about the concept of Unsharp mask with code and get detailed word file about it.