
React.js component rendering a translatable menu bar with Twitter Bootstrap Navbar HTML markup

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React.js component rendering a translatable menu bar with Twitter Bootstrap Navbar HTML markup. For example, for a menu structure like the that:

|             |        |        |               |             |        |
| Drop-down-1 | Item-1 | Item-2 |               | Drop-down-2 | Item-3 |
|             |        |        |               |             |        |
                                                   |          |
                                                   | Item-2-1 |
                                                   |          |
                                                   |          |
                                                   | Item-2-2 |
                                                   |          |

one would have to initialize a Navbar component instance in the following way:

import React from 'react';
import Navbar from 'react-navbar';

const menuItems = [{
    title: 'menu.dd1',

    items: [
        {title: 'menu.i11', href: '/resource-1-1'},
        {title: 'menu.i12', href: '/resource-1-2'}
{title: 'menu.i1', href: '/resource-1'},
{title: 'menu.i2', href: '/resource-2'}];

const secondaryMenuItems = [{
    title: 'menu.dd2',

    items: [
        {title: 'menu.i21', href: '/resource-2-1'},
        {title: 'menu.i22', href: '/resource-2-2'}
{title: 'menu.i3', href: '/resource-3'}];

const localeSpecificIcuMessagesForTheWholeAppCompiledOnTheServer = {
    menu: {
        dd1: 'Drop-down-1', i11: 'Item-1-1', i12: 'Item-1-2',
         i1: 'Item-1',       i2: 'Item-2',    i3: 'Item-3',
        dd2: 'Drop-down-2', i21: 'Item-2-1', i22: 'Item-2-2'

    searchForm: {...},
    footer: {...},

    React.createElement(Navbar, {
        messages: localeSpecificIcuMessagesForTheWholeAppCompiledOnTheServer


The secondaryMenuItems are optional.


Navbar is react-intl-based. To translate the component, make sure it receives the messages property. The i18n message paths are the values of title-s of menuItems and secondaryMenuItems.

react-intl foundation allows using react-navbar uniformly in bigger applications, and passing all the namespaced translations, from the root, down the React components hierarchy, -- automatically, with the help of IntlMixin.

Please note, that react-intl depends on the global Intl object. You can polyfill it with intl package:

if (!global.Intl) {