
This modest Java Application aims to teach children the basics of (classical) cryptography, try out different encryption types and practice their skills.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

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This modest Java Application aims to teach children the basics of (classical) cryptography, try out different encryption types and practice their skills. It was started by a Project-Seminar group of five German students, and is still a work in progress.

How can I download MonkeyCrypt?

You can either clone and then compile this repository (Main class: Run.java)yourself and be completely up-to-date with the newest version of MonkeyCrypt. Like with all java programs there are multiple ways to compile this repository.

  1. The best way is to have ant installed. Then you can just go in the directory Monkeycrypt and type

~/<your_path>/MonkeyCrypt/$ ant

to make a jar file, or

~/<your_path>/MonkeyCrypt/$ ant run

to run it right away.

  1. Manually compile. We still have the issue that texts aren't read into the program if you compile normally, so this is not recommended. However this works without having to aditionally install anything.

~/<your_path>/MonkeyCrypt/src/$ javac Run.java

~/<your_path>/MonkeyCrypt/src/$ java Run

  1. Through an IDE. If you have an IDE like eclipse or NetBeans, you can import the src - file and run it over the IDE. The class you need to run is Run.java

A .jar version is available under releases (See that tab on the top). This Beta - release still has a lot of open issues! However it has been created so beginner - contributors can more easily run our program and submit suggestions.

We still have the issue that texts aren't read into the jar version of the program. To make it possible, copy the jar into the repository next to the src folder, and it should work.

This is so cool! Can I contribute to MonkeyCrypt?

Since MonkeyCrypt is still a school project and we aren't allowed to have external help, we can only accept commits in some sections. In celebration of the Hacktoberfest, we have an open issue good for beginners or translators. Happy Hacking! Read our CONTRIBUTING.md for more!