Web-based Melanoma Detection

ArXiv link

Standalone Melanoma web application

Melanoma web application

Supported datasets

DBs Network Private Score 1 Public Score 2
ISIC16'+ISIC17'+ISIC18'+ISIC19'+MEDNODE+Kaggle DenseNet121 0.7211 0.7472
ISIC18' ResNet50 0.5999 0.6301
ISIC20' ResNet50 0.7751 0.8126
ISIC16'+ISIC17'+ISIC18'+ISIC19'+ISIC20'+PH2 ResNet152 0.8064 0.8073
ISIC19' ResNet152 0.6769 0.7234
ResNet152 0.7774 0.7894
Multiple 3 Ensemble 4 0.7618 0.7621


1 Score on 70% of private testsets. The potential winner(s) are determined solely by the leaderboard ranking on the private leaderboard.
2 Score on the public testsets for reference
3 Averaged the models in the table, trained with multiple datasets
4 Averaged the probabilities from the models in the table

Environment (chimera clean env)

  • Keras - 2.5.0rc0
  • Tensorflow - 2.5.0
  • Augmentor - 0.2.10
  • matplotlib==3.2.1
  • pandas==1.2.0
  • numpy==1.19.4
  • pip install pydot
  • conda install -c anaconda graphviz

