
Ansible RVM role

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible RVM role

This Ansible role installs RVM as root and the required ruby version. If user isn't root (executing without sudo) then RVM will be installed to the user home directory, but you need to change pathes to it own RVM through variables rvm.root and rvm.init_script.


Tested with CentOS 6.5, Debian 6, 7, Fedora 18, 19, 20, Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04, 13.10

Role Variables

  • rvm.ruby_version per default set to ruby-2.1.4
  • rvm.auto_update_rvm per default set to true
  • rvm.url per default set to https://get.rvm.io
  • rvm.root per default set to /usr/local/rvm
  • rvm.init_script per default set to /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh

The latest two variables have presented values because installation runs with root permissions by default (if you passed -s option when you're running your playbook)


Licensed under MIT. Do what you want with it.