
Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipelines

Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipeline User Guide

Release v2.1.0 02/15/2019


The Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipelines (FAGP) comprising the fcs-genome software allows for variant calling for both germline and somatic mutations based on the GATK Best Practices pipelines. The performance of the pipelines is significantly improved with Falcon's acceleration technologies.

Symmetric to the GATK Best Practices pipelines, the typical workflow starts with raw FASTQ sequence paired-end reads and proceeds to obtain a filtered set of variants that can be annotated for further analysis. The figure below depicts the flow of the germline variant calling pipeline. Beginning with paired-end FASTQ sequence files, the first step is to map the sequences to the reference. The resulting mapped BAM file is sorted, and duplicates are marked. This step performed using the command fcs-genome align, is equivalent to BWA-MEM, samtools sort and picard MarkDuplicates of the GATK Best Practices pipelines.

The second step is to recalibrate base quality score to account for biases caused by the sequencing machine. The Falcon pipeline command for this is fcs-genome bqsr. Its GATK equivalent first runs the GATK BaseRecalibrator, which produces a table of recalibrated reads, followed by GATK PrintReads which implements the table of recalibrated reads to produce a new, analysis-ready BAM file. The final step is germline variant calling, implementing the command fcs-genome htc which corresponds to GATK HaplotypeCaller.

Falcon Workflow Figure 1. Side-by-side analysis of the Falcon Accelerated Pipeline and the GATK Best Practices Pipeline: The middle panel indicates the general workflow starting with 1. Mapping the FASTQ sequences to the reference 2. Recalibrating base quality score and finally 3. Calling germline variants. The upper and lower panels illustrate the command-line implementation of the workflow using the Falcon Accelerated Pipeline and GATK Best Practices Pipeline respectively.

A similar pipeline for somatic mutation call is also available through the use of another of GATK's Best Practices pipeline tool -- Mutect2. The initial steps of the pipeline remain the same, beginning with fcs-genome align and followed by fcs-genome bqsr. The primary difference is that in the case of Mutect2, two paired-end fastq sequence files are used as input -- that of the tumor sample and the normal sample. fcs-genome mutect2, which is the Falcon accelerated equivalent of GATK's Mutect2, takes as input BAM files of the tumor and normal samples. The resulting output is a VCF file comprising of somatic variant calls.

The table below shows which of the components of the GATK best practices have a Falcon accelerated counterpart and which ones are left in their original forms:

Original Tool Original Version Command Falcon Accelerated Command
BWA 0.7.13 mem align
samtools 1.3 view, sort
picard 1.141 MarkDuplicates
GATK 3.8 BaseRecalibrator baserecal
PrintReads printreads
HaplotypeCaller htc
Mutect2 mutect2
DepthOfCoverage depth
IndelRealigner indel
UnifiedGenotyper ug
CombinedGVCFs joint
GATK 4.0.6 BaseRecalibrator baserecal
ApplyBQSR printreads
HaplotypeCaller htc
Mutect2 mutect2

This User Guide provides details on the setup of the Falcon Genome pipeline, command-line usage and a step-by-step example to run the variant calling pipeline.

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FAQ for Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipelines.

System Requirements and Installation

Software Prerequisites

The software package of the Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipelines is self-contained with required software. Please refer to the release notes inside each software distribution for each component and its version. The recommended operating system and required packages are listed as follows:

  • CentOS Linux 7.x
  • epel-release, boost, glog, gflags, protobuf, java

System Setup

  • The software for fcs-genome is installed in /usr/local/falcon
  • System information can be modified and is stored in /usr/local/fcs-genome.conf. Details on tuning configuration parameters is explained in a later section.
  • Export fcs-genome and other required tools to the PATH: source /usr/bin/falcon/setup.sh


  • Working folder: Paths to the reference genome and the input data are required parameters for the pipeline to run. Setting up a working folder containing this data and allowing it to be readable is a mandatory step before the start of the pipeline.
  • Temporary folder: Most steps in the pipeline produce intermediate files that need to be stored at a temporary location. It must be ensured that this location has free disk space between 3-5X times the size of the input files. The location of the temporary folder can be modified in /usr/local/fcs-genome.conf.
  • Falcon License: A valid license needs to be setup in the environment variable $LM_LICENSE_PATH. If the license file is improperly configured, an error message is reported: [fcs-genome] ERROR: Cannot connect to the license server: -15 [fcs-genome] ERROR: Please contact support@falcon-computing.com for details.
  • Obtaining the Reference and its index: The reference and its index can be downloaded from the Broad Institute website using the following FTP link: ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/
    To take full advantage of the FPGA acceleration provided by the Falcon Genome image, the reference genome needs to be preprocessed by running the script /usr/local/falcon/prepare-ref.sh . This step is optional, and the regular reference genome files (FASTA) will still work without processing. The processed reference genome, on the other hand, will also work for other software such as BWA, Picard, GATK, etc.
  • Optional arguments: GATK relies on files with known variants in its processing. For example, known variant files including the 1000 Genome indel sites, the Mills indel sites and the dbSNP sites can be given as additional parameters for the pipeline steps. These can also be downloaded from the Broad Institute website.


This section provides all the methods available in the fcs-genome command with their respective options settings.

fcs-genome germline -r ref.fasta -1 input_1.fastq -2 input_2.fastq -o output.vcf --produce-vcf --produce-bam

fcs-genome align -r ref.fasta -1 input_1.fastq -2 input_2.fastq -o output.bam [--align-only]
fcs-genome align -r ref.fasta -F SampleSheet.csv -o output_dir [--align-only]

fcs-genome bqsr -r ref.fasta -i indel.bam -o recal.bam [--bqsr bqsr.grp] [--gatk4]
fcs-genome baserecal -r ref.fasta -i indel.bam -o bqsr.grp [--gatk4]
fcs-genome printreads -r ref.fasta -b bqsr.grp -i output.bam -o recal.bam [--gatk4]

fcs-genome htc -r ref.fasta -i recal.bam -o germline.gvcf [--gatk4]
fcs-genome mutect2 -r ref.fasta -n normal.bam -t tumor.bam -o somatic.vcf [--gatk4]
fcs-genome joint -r ref.fasta -i gvcf_dir -o final.vcf

For additional options, type in the command-line fcs-genome [method].

Common Options

The following options are available for all fcs-genome commands.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-h --help print help messages
-f --force overwrite output files if they exist
-O --extra-options String(*) access to GATK tools extra options. Use " " to enclose the option name and argument(s). Example "--option argrement"
  • The option --force | -f will force fcs-genome to overwrite output file if it already exists. By default, the tool will prompt user input if the specified output file(s) already exists.
  • The option --extra-options | -O is used to apply additional options to the downstream tools (bwa, GATK) that are not included in fcs-genome. All additional parameters in the GATK methods are available through that option. For example:
    fcs-genome htc
         -r ref.fasta
         -i recal.bam \
         -o germline.vcf \
         --produce-vcf \
         --extra-options "-minPruning 4"

The command applies an option -minPruning (more details can be found here) to the HaplotypeCaller step in GATK, and set the value to 4.

Common GATK Options

For GATK commands (e.g. bqsr, htc, mutect2), the following options are available.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-L --intervalList String a interval file (e.g. BED) that specifies targeted region of interest for the analysis
--gatk4 use GATK 4, if unset, GATK 3.8 will be used by default.
  • The option --intervalList | -L is used to specify targeted regions which analysis such as coverage and variant calling will be performed. This option should be used if sample was sequenced using a capture set since it optimizes computer resources and improves accuracy. For WGS samples, the interval list can be set to focus on a region of interest defined by the user. NOTE: Only a single interval list is supported. If the user needs multiple interval lists, the lists need to be merged manually.
  • The option --gatk4 | -g is used to select between GATK 4 and GATK 3.8 to run a command. The corresponding fcs-genome command remains the same. For example, fcs-genome printreads calls GATK PrintReads by default. But with --gatk4 flag, it calls GATK ApplyBQSR which is the new command in 4.0. Alternatively, a configuration use_gatk4 = true can be set in the fcs-genome.conf configuration file to enable GATK 4 for all commands, regardless of the option --gatk4 being set or not. For more information, please refer to the section Configurations.

fcs-genome germline Options

The germline command performs alignment and variant calling using minimap2 and GATK (both v3.8 and v4.0.x). Given a set of pair-end FASTQ data as input, it produces a VCF or GVCF file with all variant sites.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-1 --fastq1 String input pair-end Read 1 FASTQ file
-2 --fastq2 String input pair-end Read 2 FASTQ file
-F --sample_sheet String a sample sheet or path to a folder to FASTQ files
-o --output String output GVCF/VCF file
-R --rg String read group ID ('ID' in BAM header)
-S --sp String sample ID ('SM' in BAM header)
-P --pl String platform ID ('PL' in BAM header)
-L --lb String library ID ('LB' in BAM header)
-v --produce-vcf produce VCF files from HaplotypeCaller instead of gVCF
--produce-bam produce an aligned BAM file (off by default)

fcs-genome align Options

The align command performs alignment using bwa mem, and duplication marking using picard. Given a set of pair-end FASTQ data as input, it produces a BAM file with all reads aligned, and duplication marked.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-1 --fastq1 String input pair-end Read 1 FASTQ file
-2 --fastq2 String input pair-end Read 2 FASTQ file
-F --sample_sheet String a sample sheet or path to a folder to FASTQ files
-o --output String output BAM file with marked duplicates implemented as default
-R --rg String read group ID ('ID' in BAM header)
-S --sp String sample ID ('SM' in BAM header)
-P --pl String platform ID ('PL' in BAM header)
-L --lb String library ID ('LB' in BAM header)
-l --align-only skip mark duplicates
  • The options -R, -S, -P, -L specifies the read group in the aligned sample's header. If left blank, the tool will automatically select the appropriate values for each fields. Default value : "sample".

  • If the option --align-only is set, no mark duplicate will be performed, and the output will be a single sorted BAM file.

  • In fcs-genome align, option -O|--extra-options only supports options in bwa (see this link for more details), and the following options:

    • -filter: Filtering out records with INT bit seton the FLAG field, similar to the -F argument in samtools (default: 0)
  • If Sample Sheet is provided, it must be in csv format with a 6 columns header. Example:


The header describes the order of the input data as follows: Sample Name or ID, Read 1 FASTQ filename path, Read 2 filename path, Read Group Name, Platform which the sample was sequenced, and Library ID. Note that a sample may have more than 1 pair of FASTQ files. Using the Sample Sheet feature, the fcs-genome align will merge all the outputs generated from that sample, and save the BAM file in a folder with the sample name. By default, duplicate reads will be marked in the output BAM file unless the --align-only option is set.

Known Limitations

  1. fcs-genome align can only produce sorted BAM file, or mark duplicate BAM. For mark duplicate BAMs, duplications cannot be removed at this moment. To remove duplications, 3rd party tools such as samtools can be used.
  2. Apart from the listed options, no other options in the original samtools and picard are supported.

fcs-genome bqsr Options

The bqsr command performs Base Quality Score Recalibration over an input BAM file. This step is equivalent to BaseRecalibrator followed by PrintReads in GATK 3.x, or BaseRecalibrator and ApplyBQSR in GATK 4.x. By default, the command generated a BAM file with bases qualities recalibrated, given an input BAM file. Additionally, if the argument --bqsr is set, it also produces a recalibration report. The bqsr command is equivalent to calling baserecal and printreads consecutively.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-b --bqsr String output BQSR report path (if left blank, no file will be produced)
-i --input String input BAM file path (can be a single BAM file or Bam folder)
-o --output String output path; by default the output will be a folder with multiple BAM file parts; if -m is set, then a single BAM file will be produced
-K --knownSites List known variant databses for recalibration (VCF format). If more than one VCF files are considered, multiple -K options should be used, one for each file
-m --merge-bam merge output BAM parts into a single BAM file

fcs-genome baserecal Options

The baserecal command generates a Base Quality Score Recalibration report given a BAM input. It is equivalent to the command BaseRecalibrator in GATK 3.x and 4.x.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-i --input String input BAM file or BAM folder
-o --output String output BQSR report
-K --knownSites List known variant databses for recalibration (VCF format). If more than one VCF files are considered, multiple -K options should be used, one for each file

fcs-genome printreads Options

The printreads command recalibrates the base qualities for a given BAM file input, using a pre-computed recalibration matrix specified in the BQSR report. It is equivalent to the command PrintReads in GATK 3.x, and ApplyBQSR in GATK 4.x.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-b --bqsr String input BQSR file
-i --input String input BAM file or BAM folder
-o --output String output path; by default the output will be a folder with multiple BAM file parts; if -m is set, then a single BAM file will be produced
-m --merge-bam merge output BAM parts into a single BAM file

fcs-genome htc Options

The htc command calls SNP and INDEL variants using the HaplotypeCaller command in GATK 3.x and 4.x. It takes a BAM file as input and generates a gVCF file by default.
If --produce-vcf is set, a VCF file is generated instead of gVCF.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-i --input String input BAM file or BAM folder
-o --output String output gVCF/VCF file
-v --produce-vcf produce VCF files from HaplotypeCaller instead of gVCF

fcs-genome joint Options

The joint command performs a joint variant calling from a set of compressed gVCF files located in a folder spedified with --input-dir. Each gVCF file must have its own index posted in the input folder. This command is often used together with htc for cohort analysis.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-i --input-dir String input dir containing compressed gVCF files
-o --output String output compressed gVCF files
-c --combine-only combine GVCFs only and skip genotyping

fcs-genome mutect2 Options

The mutect2 command calls somatic variats using the Mutect2 in GATK 3.x and 4.x. The output VCF file includes both somatic single nucleotide (SNVs) as well as insertion and deletion variants. In addition to taking tumor BAM files as input, the tool also requires the inclusion of a matched normal. Mutect2 uses the normals as prefilters for the allelic sites.

As there are major differences of Mutect2 usage between GATK 3.x and GATK 4.x, here we separate the options for two different versions.

GATK 3.x Options

The table below shows the options in effect by default, when --gatk4 flag or use_gatk4 configuration is absent:

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-n --normal String input normal BAM file or directory
-t --tumor String input tumor BAM file or directory
-o --output String output VCF file
-d --dbsnp List list of dbsnp files for mutect2
-c --cosmic List list of cosmic files for mutect2

Additional documentations for GATK 3.x usage can be found in this link

GATK 4.x Options

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-n --normal String input normal BAM file or directory
-t --tumor String input tumor BAM file or directory
-o --output String output VCF file
-m --germline String VCF file containing annotate variant alleles by specifying a population germline resource
-p --panels_of_normals String Panels of normals VCF file
-a --normal_name String Sample name for Normal Input BAM. Must match the SM tag in the BAM header
-b --tumor_name String Sample name for Tumor Input BAM. Must match the SM tag in the BAM header

In GATK 4.x, two more options (--normal_name and --tumor_name) are required in addition to the filenames of the normal and tumor BAM file(s). These two options are used to specify the sample names for the normal and tumor samples, which in essense is the SM filed in the BAM header.

Additional documentations for GATK 4.x usage can be found in this link.

Panels of Normals (PON) is a VCF file generated from the merge of a collection of VCF files of normal samples. By definition, Normal samples are obtained from healthy tissues and their DNA are assumed not to have any somatic variants. Using a PON VCF file in the analysis helps to capture artifacts that appear recurrently in the sequencer and threfore improve variant calling analysis. Another VCF file set by --germline that contains a common population variants with allele-specific frequencies is also used in variant filtering. Mutect2 uses these two VCF files to filter sites and the germline resource and matched normal to filter alleles.

For futher details about PON, please go to this link.

Usually, pairs of normal-tumor samples are sequenced using captures. User should use -L option to provide BED file with the coordinates of the genomic regions defined by capture.

fcs-genome depth Options

The depth command calculates the depth of coverage for a given BAM input files. It is equivalent to GATK 3.x DepthOfCoverage command. The output will be a set of reports depending on the options selected.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-i --input String input BAM file
-o --output String output coverage file
-g --geneList String list of genes over which the coverage is calculated
-b --omitBaseOutput omit output coverage depth at each base (default: false)
-v --omitIntervals omit output coverage per-interval statistics (default false)
-s --omitSampleSummary omit output summary files for each sample (default false)

NOTE: DepthOfCoverage is not available in GATK4.

fcs-genome vcf_filter Options

The vcf_filter emulates the VariantFiltration in GATK. It takes a VCF file as input and labels variants that meet the criteria set up by the user.

Option Alternative Argument Description
-r --ref String reference genome path
-i --input String input VCF filename
-o --output String output filtered VCF file
-L --intervalList String interval list file
--filteringExpression String parameters used to filter variants
--filter_name String Filter name for the log file
-g --gatk4 use gatk4 to perform analysis

For additional details about how to set up the filtering expression, please refer to the the GATK documentation

fcs-genome gatk Options

The gatk emulates the original GATK 3.x commands and as such, there is no Falcon provided acceleration. Please refer to the GATK documentation for additional details.

Known Limitations

This command only supports GATK 3.x in the current version, GATK 4.x support will come in future releases.

Additional Commands

There are a few additional commands available in the Falcon Accelerated Genomics Pipelines, which are either deprecated or not recommended by the GATK communities anymore. A brief description for each commands are provided below.

  1. fcs-genome indel: Performs indel realignment to a given BAM file. It is equivalent to consecutively calling GATK 3.x RealignerTargetCreator and IndelRealigner. This command is not recommended since GATK 3.5, and is no longer supported in GATK 4. Our experiments show that this command does not have significant accuracy impact when using fcs-genome htc to call germline variants.
  2. fcs-genome ug: Performs germline variant calling with UnifiedGenotyper, which is replaced by HaplotypeCaller since GATK 3.x, and is no longer supported in GATK 4.x.
  3. fcs-genome markdup: Performs mark duplicates for a given BAM file. The feature of command is fully covered by fcs-genome align, but for cases where both unmarked and marked BAM files need to be preserved, this command offers an viable solution.


This section shows the examples of fcs-genome usage with BASH.

Germline Variant Calling for WGS

The following example is available in $FALCON_HOME/example-germline-wgs.sh`, and can be run with the following command, in the case where the sample id is NA12878:

> ./example-germline-wgs.sh NA12878

The content of the example script is shown below:


# get sample id

# need to setup these variables before start

start_ts=$(date +%s)
set -x
fcs-genome align \
    -r $ref_genome \
    -1 $fastq_dir/${sample_id}_1.fastq.gz \
    -2 $fastq_dir/${sample_id}_2.fastq.gz \
    -o $local_dir/${sample_id}.bam \
    -R $sample_id -S $sample_id -L $sample_id -P illumina -f

fcs-genome bqsr \
    -r $ref_genome \
    -i $local_dir/${sample_id}.bam \
    -o $local_dir/${sample_id}.recal.bam \
    -K $db138_SNPs -f

fcs-genome htc \
    -r $ref_genome \
    -i $local_dir/${sample_id}.recal.bam \
    -o ${sample_id}.vcf -v -f
set +x

end_ts=$(date +%s)
echo "Pipeline finishes in $((end_ts - start_ts)) seconds"

This script essentially performs the same computation shown in the Figure in Introduction, which follows the Best Practices of germline variant calling using HaplotypeCaller.


In fcs-genome, many configurations can be tuned to define the settings for each command-line option during the run. The default configuration settings are stored in /usr/local/falcon/fcs-genome.conf. If a file with the same name fcs-genome.conf is presented in the present directory, its values will be used to overwrite the default values. In addition, environmental variables can be used to overwrite both default configurations and the configurations in fcs-genome.conf in the present directory. An example of the configuration settings for the germline variant calling pipeline is as below:

temp_dir = /local/temp
gatk.ncontigs = 32
gatk.nprocs = 16
gatk.nct = 1
gatk.memory = 8

The key temp_dir specifies the system folder to store temporary files. Some steps in fcs-genome, including align, will write large files to a temporary folder. Please ensure this configuration is set to a location with enough space. The recommended free space is 3~5x the input data size. The GATK steps, such as BaseRecalibrator, PrintReads and HaplotypeCaller, are run in parallel. By default, 32 total processes will be used for each GATK step. To change the default number, the key gatk.ncontigs be set. The configuration key gatk.nprocs is used to specify the number of concurrent processes in each step. gatk.memory the memory consumed by each process. Ideally, gatk.nprocs be less than or equal to the total number of CPU cores, and the product of gatk.nprocs and gatk.memory would be less than or equal to the total memory. The number of concurrent process number and memory per process can be changed to individual steps with the following format: [step-name].nprocs, [step-name].memory