
[Complete] Solution to Robotic HW

Primary LanguagePython

Robotic_soln_varun: Solution to Robotic_HW


Creative Commons, All Rights Reserved


Installation & Run Instructions

  • clone repo locally:
git clone github.com/varunthepianoman/Robotic_soln_varun
  • Source the setup script:
# Replace ".bash" with your shell if you're not using bash
# Possible values are: setup.bash, setup.sh, setup.zsh
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
  • Build packages: In the repo's root directory:
colcon build
  • In a new terminal, Navigate to this repo's root directory, then source workspace with:
source install/setup.bash
  • Run the Python Bringup Script:
ros2 run sensor_package_cpp bringup_py.py
  • In another terminal, after sourcing the workspace, Run the C++ Bringup Script:
ros2 run sensor_package_cpp bringup_executable
  • Log messages should be printed to the screen; see output_cpp.png and output_py.png for examples on the author's machine.
  • To shutdown, in both running terminals enter:
Ctrl + \

Design Notes

Testing & Dev Technical Specs:

  • Mac OS 12
  • Ubuntu 22.04.4 with VirtualBox 7 (4GB RAM, 2 cores, 25GB space)
  • ROS 2 Humble
  • All nodes run in Terminal
  • Editors: Vim & CLion
  • debuggers used: gdb & pdb.

ROS Environment

  • The repository represents a single workspace, with no overlaying/underlaying beyond this
  • 2 relevant packages:
    • sensor_package_cpp with all Python and CPP code
      • build type: ament_cmake (with ament_cmake_python dependency so that we can run Python and CPP nodes in the same package)
    • custom_interfaces with my custom services and messages.
      • build type: ament_cmake

Relevant Files:

Please note that all code is in src/sensor_package_cpp and src/custom_interfaces folder.

ROS2 Nodes

  • Launch Node for Python Scripts:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_package_cpp/bringup_py.py
  • Sensor:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_package_cpp/submodules/sensor.py
  • Service for Sensor:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_package_cpp/submodules/sensor_service.py
  • Launch Node for C++ Scripts:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/src/bringup_cpp.cpp
  • Sensor Client:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/include/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_client.hpp
  • Sensor Publisher:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/include/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_read_publisher.hpp
  • Sensor Subscriber:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/include/sensor_package_cpp/sensor_subscriber.hpp
  • CMakeLists:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/CMakeLists.txt
  • package.xml:

    • src/sensor_package_cpp/package.xml

Custom Interface

  • Single Sensor Single Sample Message:
    • src/custom_interfaces/msg/SensorSample.msg
  • Single Sensor Many Samples Service:
    • src/custom_interfaces/srv/SensorRead.srv
  • Both Sensor SamplesMessage to Publish:
    • src/custom_interfaces/msg/SensorReadCombined.msg
  • CMakeLists:
    • src/custom_interfaces/CMakeLists.txt
  • package.xml:
    • src/custom_interfaces/package.xml


There may be other files here, including the all-python prototype package sensor_package, but the above files are the relevant ones for the final solution.

Overview of Control Flow

  • execute node bringup_py.py:
    • start 2 SensorService objects, one for each sensor. For each SensorService, in constructor:
      • Initiate Sensor
        • Initiate service socket
        • In a new thread, run this Sensor
      • In a new thread, start query_for_samples to my Sensor.
      • Create my service srv so I can communicate with the Client I am associated with.
    • Initiate MultiThreadedExecutor executor.
    • Add each SensorService node to our executor.
    • Spin our executor
  • execute node bringup_cpp.cpp:
    • Initiate MultiThreadedExecutor executor.
    • make 2 SensorClient objects, one for each sensor. For each:
      • Create my client with a new callback group.
    • make SensorReadPublisher, our timer publisher.
      • Create Publisher object to publish to a topic.
      • Create a wall-timer to call the Publisher object every 2ms.
    • make make SensorReadSubscriber, to subscribe to the topic of our publisher.
      • Create Subscription to topic.
    • Add all 4 nodes to our executor
    • spin our executor.
  • Ongoing Processes governed by nodes:
    • Our SensorService object continuously queries for new data and updates its data_reservoir
    • Every 2ms, our timer publisher publishes a new message containing data from both of our sensors.
      • Send a request for data from both sensors via my clients for each of them
      • Generate combined message publishing, filling in data from both Client Responses.
      • Publish the combined message to my topic.

Class & File Documentation

class SensorService(Node):
	address: str # IP Address of the socket interface for our sensor
	port: int # port of the socket interface for our sensor 
	sampling_rate: int # Sampling rate of our sensor
	_delay: float  # delay of our sensor
	sensor_id: int # 1 or 2: Which sensor
	number_of_samples: int 
		# How many samples to query the sensor on each run. 
		# Default: 1 for sensor1, 8 for sensor2.
	data_reservoir: deque(maxlen=buffer_size) # Data reservoir is a deque reservoir of the last buffer_size samples.
	sensor: Sensor(address, port, sampling_rate, _delay, sensor_id) # The sensor we are a service for, constructed in my constructor: address, port, sampling rate and delay defined in SensorService constructor args. 
	client_sock: socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Client socket for our sensor
	srv: rclpy.service.Service # My service
	def sensor_read_callback(self, request, response) -> ~SrvTypeResponse:
		# Callback for my service, requested when client needs new sensor data. Takes a request and response object, fills out response and returns it.
		# Pops request.num_samples from deque while there is still data to be given
		# returns a response with the relevant readings as an array of SensorSamples
	def query_for_samples(self) -> None:
		# Continuously queries for self.number_of_samples samples using a socket interface.
		# Closes socket on termination.
	- Runs Client Socket in a new Thread
	- Runs in a Reentrant Callback Group
		- Callback groups: Services can run in parallel so put each in its own callback group.  
		- Use ReentrantCallbackGroup instead of MutuallyExclusive so that the continous query_for_samples doesn't block this init and the service callback.
class Sensor(Thread):
	address: str,  # My IP Address
	port: int,  # My port
	sampling_rate: int,  # My sampling rate
	overhead_delay: float,  # My delay
	id: int # Either 1 or 2: Which sensor am I
	server_sock: socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # My server socket to communicate with the ServiceSensor for me.
	def recive(self, buffer_size: int)->int:  
	    # Read a buffer size from the socket
    def send(self, data: np.ndarray)->bool:  
	    # Send the data to the client
    def run(self)->None:
	    # Run the sensor sampling, and send back to SensorService via socket.
class SensorClient: public rclcpp::Node {
    rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr callback_group; // my callback group
    rclcpp::Client<custom_interfaces::srv::SensorRead>::SharedPtr sensor_client;  // the client I am a wrapper for
    int sensor_id;  // which sensor am I associated with
    int num_samples; // how many samples to query. Note that this may be different that the corresponding number of samples due to latency and possibility of generating multiple sample queries in a single cycle, and is defaulted to 8 for sensor1 and 32 for sensor2. Generally, we probably want to pull all samples present from the data_reservoir, but keep this variable in case not.
    SensorClient(std::string name, int sensor_id, int num_samples) // Constructor
	    // Initialize Node base class with name, private attributes sensor_id, num_samples
	    // Create callback group:
		    // The clients are called within the publisher, so they must be in different Callback Groups than Publisher to avoid deadlock.  
			// Clients 1 and 2 can be called in parallel, so place them in different Callback Groups as well.  
			// Favoring MutuallyExclusive over Reentrant as it is safer: We then won't have two queries accessing same server data_reservoir.
		// Initiate sensor_client with callback_group
	auto send_request() -> rclcpp::Client<custom_interfaces::srv::SensorRead>::SharedResponse
		// make Request object
		// wait for service
		// send request
		// Simulate synchronous callback: wait_for future.
		// return SharedResponse
class SensorReadPublisher : public rclcpp::Node // Wrapper for TimerPublisher
SensorReadPublisher(std::shared_ptr<SensorClient> sensor1_client,  
                    std::shared_ptr<SensorClient> sensor2_client,  
                    int sensor1_num_samples,  
                    int sensor2_num_samples)
    //Constructor: call base Node with name "sensor_read_publisher". 
    //Initialize my member variables
    // use create_wall_timer to create my timer_
    std::shared_ptr<SensorClient> sensor1_client;  
    std::shared_ptr<SensorClient> sensor2_client;  
    rclcpp::Publisher<custom_interfaces::msg::SensorReadCombined>::SharedPtr publisher_;  
    int sensor1_num_samples;  
    int sensor2_num_samples;  
    rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr callback_group;  
    rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_; // wall timer: Publishes every 2ms.
    void timer_callback()
	    // Send a request for data from both sensors via my clients for each of them
	    // Generate combined message publishing, filling in data from both Client Responses.
	    // Publish the combined message to my topic.
class SensorReadSubscriber : public rclcpp::Node // Subscriber to the topic we Publish to
	#define MAX_NUM_DATAPOINTS 100 // Maximum number of datapoints we can receive in a SensorReadCombined.
        : Node("sensor_read_subscriber") 
	    // Constructor: Call base Node with name "sensor_read_subscriber".
		// Create subscription 
	void topic_callback(const custom_interfaces::msg::SensorReadCombined & msg) const 
		// Callback: Prints received messages to console using help of print_sensor_sample
	template<int N> // N = Maximum length of samples. 
	void print_sensor_sample(const rosidl_runtime_cpp::BoundedVector<custom_interfaces::msg::SensorSample, N>* sensor_data,  
                         int num_datapoints) const
        // Helper function for printing datapoints to console. Template: Uses N, the Maximum number of datapoints we can receive in a SensorReadCombined to initialize sensor_data type (BoundedVector) correctly.
bringup_py.py & bringup_cpp.cpp: See Overview of Control Flow.

Notes on Number of Samples to Request from Sensor

  • This is a very interesting problem in of its own. I will include some analysis on the problem when we do not consider the latency of ROS or of the code itself; however, through timed tests, models for latency in ROS and the code can be incorporated into this analysis.

Problem Formulation

  • Sensor1 samples every 0.5ms with overhead 1ms, uncertain latency uniform between 0-1ms.
  • Sensor2 samples every 0.25ms with overhead 3ms, uncertain latency uniform between 0-1ms.
  • Must publish every 2ms.
  • Question: Given we are at a certain timepoint t in the cycle, possibly with some samples already from sensor1 and sensor2, how many more samples N do we query from the SensorService?
    • This formulation includes the possibility of dynamically choosing different number of samples to query based on:
      • where we are in the cycle
      • how many samples we already have

Analysis of Problem:

Sensible Choices

  • With an uncertainty range of 0-1ms for the overhead delay, half of all choices do not make sense.
    • For example, if we are at t=0 in the cycle, for sensor1:
      • querying 1 sample is expected to take between 1.5-2.5ms. So, we have a 50% chance of publishing in the current cycle, and 50% chance of publishing in the subsequent cycle.
      • If we query 2 samples, the expected time is between 2-3ms. We have a 100% chance of publishing in the subsequent cycle, so we might as well query for 4 samples, having an expected time between 3-4ms, and we still will 100% publish in the subsequent cycle but will have twice as much data.
    • Following this logic, at t=0, for sensor1 only N=1, 4, 5, 8, 9... samples make sense, and for sensor2 only 1,2,3,8,9,...make sense. At other values of t, a different set of half of all possibilities make sense.

An Answer for Static Choices Considering the Tradeoff: Late Data vs. More Data

  • The more samples we query, the more data we get with the same static overhead, but our data also arrives later.
  • By static choice, I mean that the num_samples is fixed.
  • For sensor2, even with 1 sample, we are already expected to take 3.25-4.25ms, so we will either be 1 or 2 cycles late. We can sample 8 and still be guaranteed to be only 2 cycles late (expected time 5-6ms). So, I propose to choose N=8 samples to take advantage of the high overhead.
  • For sensor1, given that we are guaranteed to be 2 cycles late with querying 8 samples, I propose N=1 sample so that we have some chance of publishing within the current cycle. Otherwise, we might as well only publish at 250Hz!
  • This is the solution implemented in the code.

What about Dynamic Choices? How to Model the Tradeoff?

  • If we can dynamically choose how many samples to take, we have to consider the Late Data vs. More Data tradeoff.
  • I propose a framework to model the expected value of different decisions.

Value of Additional Samples

  • We can use an information-theoretic perspective to model this: How much does each additional sensor sample decrease the uncertainty of the true value it is measuring?
    • We can model the noise of the sensor based on data adapted to a pre-defined model (i.e. Gaussian). Based on the noise of the sensor, the information we receive changes:
      • with a noisy sensor, we will not gain as much information and need more samples to reduce uncertainty enough.
      • With an accurate sensor, fewer samples may suffice and additional samples may not provide much decrease in uncertainty.

Decrease of Information Over Time

  • We need a discount to represent how data becomes less valuable over time. For example we could do an exponential decrease: Compared to data from the same cycle, data 1 cycles late has half the value, data 2 cycles late has a quarter the value, 3 cycles late := an eighth of the value, etc.

Modeling the Expected Value of Different Decisions

  • Now, we need to ask: For each number of queries N, what is the expected value of that decision? We need to calculate the probability of data arriving in different subsequent cycles C, and multiply that probability with the Value produced by having N samples in cycle C using the models described above.
  • We can calculate the expected values of different decisions, and choose the one with the maximum expected value.

Git Notes

  • Initial development was on master. Then, as I started using CLion on my mac more, a push was required every time I wanted to run updated code on VirtualBox.
  • Therefore, I switched to a Feature Branch workflow, creating feature branches.
  • Once a feature is finished, I:
    • made a copy branch
    • rebased the copy on master, squashing most commits to leave a few high-level updates.
    • merge master to copy (fast-forward)
  • Therefore, original feature branches with all commits are also maintained for full version history and have been pushed.

Future Work

If I had more time, I would suggest the following improvements to my code:

  • Timing & Latency Analysis: Check where bottlenecks are and improve.
  • Incorporate Timing Analysis into Decision about How Many Samples N to Query
  • shutdown cleanly: I believe I should be able to Ctrl + C instead of Ctrl + \, so I would like to make sure I am shutting nodes down correctly.
  • Launch file: a single XML/YAML launch file for all nodes.
  • Additional Testing:
    • Valgrind: Memory checks.
    • Automate many (100+) runs to catch intermittent bugs.
  • Multithread Lock for editing the data reservoir: prevent query thread from modifying at the same time as the service callback.
  • I used one executor for CPP and one for Python. Perhaps realistically these would be on different computers, but executors induce significant overhead, so ideally I could avoid it on the same device. Perhaps I can use a Python Launch file, make an executor there, and pass that executor to both my Python and CPP bringup files.

Maintainer / Contact

Varun Kamat, please reach me at: varunkamat23@gmail.com for any questions.