
We worked through the challenges throughout the week in rotating pairs.

We used Rails to build a clone of Yelp, an app for reviewing restaurants. Yelp is a popular web application that allows users to rate and review restaurants, and find other diner's ratings and comments. For the rest of the week you will be building a clone of this site using Rails.


Are you having fun? Are you a better developer than you were yesterday? Can you use Rails and its conventions to build a web app?

Using this application

  • Download the source code using $ git clone
  • Navigate into the root of the directory using $ cd yelp_clone
  • Install all the dependencies by running the command $ bundle in the root directory
  • Download PostgreSQL (if you do not already have it installed)
  • Within the command line, run $ bin/rake db:create and then $ bin/rake db:migrate
  • Run the app using the command $ bin/rails server
  • Go to localhost:3000 in a browser to view and interact with the app

Running the tests

Within the root of the directory, run $ rspec to see the results of the tests in the command line


  • Application written in Ruby 2.3.3 and built using Ruby on Rails
  • Based on a PostgreSQL database with ActiveRecord as the ORM
  • Tested using RSpec and Capybara
  • Uses OmniAuth for sign-in with Facebook

Ideas for extension

  • This app currently has no styling so would be nice to make it look more like a finished product
  • Adding pictures using Paperclip
  • Adding endorsements - use AJAX for this