
Pure client-side javascript form validator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FormValidator for client form validation in pure JavaScript (without jQuery and others).

You can find examples in the same name directory. I think they will be clear to all.

LGPL License.

Features (version 1.0):

- Pure client-side form validation

- Multiple validators on one form

- Multiple validation rules on one field
- - req - required
- - int - integer
- - float - real number
- - min-len - minimum length
- - max-len
- - min-val - minimum numeric value
- - max-val
- - email
- - regexp - user-defined regular expression
- - You can define own validation function

- Multiple error display types
- - alert - show alert on each error (good only for debug)
- - color - highlight borders of input
- - color_label - highlight label text
- - flow - create block near input and show error dynamically
- - one - how errors in one general block
- - block - show errors in special block for each input (block id = <field_name>_errors)
- - custom - user-defined callback function