
Simple test system. I want to delete this in future

Primary LanguagePython

matsts — My Automatic TeST System

Script automates giving arguments to an any program. It uses testfile with specific syntax, wherein each line is a new test. Each test will be expanded to 1 or many (if you use repeat function) argument lists and these lists will be given to your program.

All available external functions are defined in matsts_foo.py, and you can add your own functions in this file (and push ones in this repo if you want :) ). You may change syntax for functions in matsts_parser.py.


matsts <exefile> <testfile>


If you have this testfile.matsts (github parser changed tabs into spaces. It is important to use tabs for divide arguments):

$repeat(4)	$rnd(-10,10)	abcd12345
$repeat(2)	1	2	3
arg1	arg2	arg3

Then command

matsts myprogram testfile.matsts

will be expanded into something like this:

myprogram -4 abcd12345
myprogram 7 abcd12345
myprogram -10 abcd12345
myprogram 2 abcd12345
myprogram 1 2 3
myprogram 1 2 3
myprogram arg1 arg2 arg3


Built-in functions

  • Repeat this test CNT times

External functions

  • Random integer in interval [MIN..MAX)
  • Random float in interval [MIN..MAX)

Argument types in functions

  • int
  • float
  • string (quoted argument)