Assignment: Find who tweeted the most

You will be given a list of tweets Your program should find the user who has tweeted the most

Note: If multiple users are having same number of tweets, then print all the users in alphabetical order of user names.

Input format: Read the input from console. First line of input should be number of test cases Remaining lines of input should contain each test case input.

For each test case input: First line should contain number of tweets. Followed by N lines, each containing user name and tweet id separated by a space.

Output format: Find the user with max number of tweets. Print user name and total number of tweets.

Sample 1: Input 1 4 sachin tweet_id_1 sehwag tweet_id_2 sachin tweet_id_3 sachin tweet_id_4

Output sachin 3

Sample 2: Input 1 6 sachin tweet_id_1 sehwag tweet_id_2 sachin tweet_id_3 sehwag tweet_id_4 kohli tweet_id_5 kohli tweet_id_6

Output kohli 2 sachin 2 sehwag 2

Sample 3: Input 2 4 sachin tweet_id_1 sehwag tweet_id_2 sachin tweet_id_3 sehwag tweet_id_4 5 dhoni tweet_id_10 dhoni tweet_id_11 kohli tweet_id_12 dhoni tweet_id_13 dhoni tweet_id_14

Output sachin 2 sehwag 2 dhoni 4