
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Take care of your alzheimer friend's!


Clone the repository

  git clone https://github.com/DevCrews/alzheimer

Navigate into the project's directory

    cd ./alzheimer

Run the server

Navigate into backend folder

    cd ./backend.

Start the server

    node index.js

Ngrok Configuration

  1. Install Ngrok
    npm install ngrok -g
  1. Forward the port 5000 to Ngrok using the below command
    ngrok http 5000
  1. Now copy the ngrok url ( We will be using later in the project while running )

Run the app in Expo Go

Copy the ngrok url and replace the url inside the axios-config.js file with the current ngrok url

Go back to alzheimer directory

    cd ..

Install the required npm packages

    npm install

Install Peer Dependency ( Note : Only perform this action only if the above steps throws error. )

    npm install --legacy-peer-deps`

Start the app

    npm start

Now scan the QR Code shown in the terminal using the Expo Go App. Hurray the app is now lauched!