
SmartMedic-Chat is a secure chat application that enables realtime communication between users of SmartMedic app.

Checkout the app here


  1. HapiJS - SmartMedic-Chat is built on HapiJS for API.
  2. SocketIO - The chat is powered by Scoket connection using

Application Structure

The config.js contains application-level configuration.

server.js is the entry main file that starts the application.

routes and socket server are inside lib folder.

Local Testing

  1. Clone this repository locally.
  2. run cp .env.example .env
  3. run npm install
  4. Clone smartmedic repository locally - Needed for User Login. (See SmartMedic dependencies in its github page)
  5. Edit public/chat.html to add your own code. Add your own JWT.


  1. Import all models from smartmedic.
  2. Create ChatRoom Model.
  3. Store Coversations into ChatRoom Model.