View Functionality Matlab code on File Exchange

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ MATLAB Code

➡️ #Matlab #mat #ClassificationLearner #Classification #RegressionLearner #Regression

These are functions developed in matlab and used in the following applications:

We hope that all the functions in this repository will be useful to you in the programming of your Matlab projects.

When using this resource, please cite the original publication:

  • Estrada, R., Asanza, V., Torres, D., Bazurto, A., & Valeriano, I. (2022). Learning-based Energy Consumption Prediction. Procedia Computer Science, 203, 272-279, doi:
  • V. Asanza, R. E. Pico, D. Torres, S. Santillan and J. Cadena, "FPGA Based Meteorological Monitoring Station," 2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SAS51076.2021.9530151.

Classification Learner


Related Work (Classification)

Regression Learner


Related Work (Regression)


Repository technical specifications

To work better it is recommended:

  • The main code in the project folder
  • Put dataset in a subfolder called "Data"
  • Put these functions in a subfolder called "src"
  • Use in main code: addpath(genpath('./src'))%functions folders




Switched to Branch

  • git branch -a
  • git checkout NameBranch

New Branch

  • git checkout -b NameBranch


  • git pull origin NameBranch
  • git status
  • git add .
  • git status
  • git commit -m "message"
  • git push origin NameBrach