
Project on course "Statistics"

Primary LanguageHTML

Predicting Diabetes Risk in Pima Indian Women

Project Description

This project is focused on predicting the risk of diabetes in women from the Pima Indian tribe. The goal of this research is to understand the factors contributing to the onset of diabetes in this population and to develop effective models for predicting the risk of this disease.

Within the project, a comprehensive statistical analysis of all available attributes was conducted, including factors such as age, body weight, blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and other relevant health parameters. This analysis was carried out to determine the associations between various attributes and the presence of diabetes in women from the Pima tribe.

Following the statistical analysis, a logistic regression model was developed using the R programming language. This model is based on the most significant attributes identified during the data analysis. Logistic regression allows for the estimation of the probability of diabetes occurrence based on the selected factors. Simultaneously, a decision tree model was created using Python.

This project contributes to the understanding of diabetes risk factors within this specific population and provides valuable tools for future prediction and interventions to preserve the health of women from the Pima tribe.


  • Stanojević Lazar
  • Todorović Vasilije