- Website: https://www.terraform.io
- Mailing list: Google Groups
- A VictorOps account that you want to manage alongwith API key and token.
- Terraform 0.10.x
- Go 1.14 (to build the provider plugin)
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/splunk/terraform-provider-victorops
$ git clone git@github.com:splunk/terraform-provider-victorops.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/splunk/terraform-provider-victorops
Enter the provider directory and build the provider
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/splunk/terraform-provider-victorops
# MacOC
$ go build
# Ubuntu
$ make build
$ cp $GOPATH/bin/terraform-provider-victorops .
Using this VictorOps Terraform provider, you can manage the following VictorOps resources.
- User
- Team
- User-Team assignment
- Escalation Policy
- Routing Key
terraform {
required_providers {
victorops = {
source = "splunk/victorops"
version = "0.1.1"
provider "victorops" {
api_id = "6d700de8" // An API id tied to an admin user
api_key = "<REDACTED>" // An API key tied to an admin user
// Define the first tf-configured user, 'John Dane'
resource "victorops_user" "jdane_tf" {
first_name = "John"
last_name = "Dane"
user_name = "jdane"
email = "jdane51@victorops.com"
is_admin = true
// Create a new team
resource "victorops_team" "team_vikings" {
name = "VO-Vikings"
// Assigning an existing user to a team
resource "victorops_team_membership" "jdane_membership" {
team_id = victorops_team.team_vikings.id
user_name = victorops_user.jdane_tf.user_name
// Create escalation policies for existing VO rotation (created using portal)
// Note: You need to fetch an existing Rotation Group Slug for using the Escalation Policy
resource "victorops_escalation_policy" "high_severity" {
name = "High Severity"
team_id = victorops_team.team_vikings.id
step {
timeout = 60
entries = [
type = "rotationGroup"
slug = "rtg-wvvhXshpvaRdn7jM"
// Create routing keys to push alerts to our escalation policies
resource "victorops_routing_key" "viking_high_severity" {
name = "viking-high-severity"
targets = [victorops_escalation_policy.high_severity.id]
If you wish to work on the provider, you'll first need Go installed on your machine (version 1.14+ is required). You'll also need to correctly setup a GOPATH, as well as adding $GOPATH/bin
to your $PATH
To compile the provider, build the provider as mentioned above. In order to test the provider, you can simply run make test
$ make test
In order to run the full suite of Acceptance tests, run make testacc
Acceptance tests require the following environment variables to be set.
- the default username to replace all users when removed
$ make testacc