Potato Landing Page Challenge


Requires lovell/sharp:

brew install homebrew/science/vips

Run npm install.

Gulp tasks

  • gulp compiles .less, .js, compresses .jpg and .png to dist/
  • gulp less compiles less
  • gulp png crushes pngs (except appicon)
  • gulp mozjpeg compresses jpgs with mozjpeg

note: all custom pre-optimized images with suffix -o will be copied to dist/

Design and Considerations

  • some backgrounds have CSS radial gradients with a special noise layer over them
  • the noise pattern is very subtle and is better seen at the darkest areas
  • transformation slider works! and has custom drag css only button (no pngs)
  • transparent pngs were used
  • low-res transparent pngs were used with blur filter for size optimization instead of full-res blurred image.
  • there was some knockout work to mix the images with the background gradients and background noise pattern.
  • top navbar has linear gradient background and is responsive but behavior is unfinished
  • potato-sack blurred images are responsive (opacity and position)

Future improvements

  • use SASS instead of LESS
  • remove bootstrap dependencies (use another grid)
  • anchor points on "Healthy" section can be full css
  • css transitions and animations
  • better png patterns optimization (256px to 64px)
  • responsive menu
  • ...

by: Vasco Rola