
Simple Shell with C Language

Primary LanguageC



The objective of this project is for you to create a simple shell.
Yes, your little bash or zsh. You will learn a lot about processes and file descriptors.

Installation & Usage


The only requirements are:

  • GNU make
  • GCC
  • Readline library
    brew install readline

Building the program

  1. Download/Clone this repo

     git clone https://github.com/vasekva/Nutshell
  2. cd into the root directory and run make

     cd Nutshell

Running the program

After building the source, run ./minishell from the project root.

Main Project Instructions

Mandatory part

  • Can only use C
  • No memory leaks
  • Сheck the correctness of the input commands
  • Implement a series of builtins: cd, echo, env, exit, export, pwd, unset
  • Manage the errors
  • Handle program interruption with signals (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+D)