Anonymous voting in Solidity. This is a fork of zk-merkle-tree library by TheBodja.
Here the circuits are modified with a value called score
which allows to store additional data in the commitment.
Also a PoC voting app is provided (ZKVote.sol
), here is a simplififed diagram for the core privacy layer:
participant J as Judge
participant PJ as Judge's secret account
participant ZK as ZKVote
participant H as Malicious Actor
J->>ZK: commit with MiMC(nullifier,secret,score)
ZK-->>ZK: store the commitment in zk tree
PJ->>ZK: zk proof for the commitment + score
ZK-->>ZK: any calculations with the given score
note left of H: Malicious Actor only knows that:
note left of H: a) the Judge provided a commitment
note left of H: b) some random account provided a score
H-->ZK: can't dox the judge
- rename
for general purpose usage - configure circom output to
- extract the modified zk tree to it's own repo (e.g
)? - think of more use cases for the meta tree
PRs and forks are welcome!
$ git clone
$ cd zk-vote
$ nvm install
$ nvm use
$ npm i -g pnpm
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm prepare // optional step, should run on its own after install
$ pnpm test
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